A miners' union (also known as miners' union) is an organizational union of miners employed in a mine or in a mining area with the aim of representing workers' interests (similar to a trade union ) and mutual social security (similar to a cooperative ). The term is derived from an association of miners . In the Middle Ages, these were used by a knight to train weapons , later miners with a completed apprenticeship were called that. Today the term stands for the health insurance company of the same name (KBS) of the association carrier Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See .
Miners' unions initially formed privileged corporations among elected elders (miners' elders ) and chiefs, were exempt from military service , from personal taxes , enjoyed a private place of jurisdiction, etc. These privileges, as well as the corresponding restrictions on miners' labor, have now been removed; on the other hand, the traditional customs of the Knappschaft, the badges ( mallets and irons ), the miner's greeting ( good luck! ), the traditional costume for festive parades, etc. have still been preserved.

In 2010 the Knappschaft celebrated its 750th anniversary. A document from Rammelsberg near Goslar - dated December 28, 1260 - documents the first mountain brotherhood and thus gives the first indication of social welfare for miners .
Bishop Johann I von Brakel , the Hildesheim shepherd in the founding time, assured his protection in this document of the "Sankt Johannes Brotherhood" on Rammelsberg. She took care of the support of sick miners and helped to protect the relatives of deceased miners, such as widows and orphans , from serious emergencies. The first brotherhoods in the Middle Ages were religious in nature. Her endeavor was to protect her members from certain life perils. The date of the certificate is more than just the origin of the Knappschaft as an institution of professional social welfare; this date is also the origin of the German and European social insurance . The Knappschaft is the oldest social security in the world . The forerunners of the Knappschaftskasse were the rifle funds .
Numerous social security and health care institutions in Germany have their origins in the miners' union system. The history of the Knappschaft includes the birth of pension insurance , health insurance and survivors' benefits , compulsory social insurance , the establishment of self-administration , the joint payment of contributions by employees and employers, the first pension formula and the first medical collective contract - much of it long before Bismarck and the imperial social legislation by 1881.
On April 1, 2007, the Knappschaft (KBS) was opened as a traditional health insurance company for miners for all insured persons. The former regional miners' associations were brought together in the Bundesknappschaft , created in 1969 , which in turn has been integrated into the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See (DRV-KBS) since October 1, 2005 .
Miners' hospitals
A first early Knappschaftskrankenhaus, which was mentioned in a document in 1294, probably existed before 1290 near the St. Johanniskirche in the mountain village at the gates of Goslar.
Since 1832 - the opening of the Knappschaft Hospital in Waldenburg / Lower Silesia - the Knappschaft has been operating modern Knappschaft hospitals and rehabilitation clinics for more than 110 years. These are all contributions on the way to the development of a modern welfare state . In its history, the Knappschaft has made numerous contributions to the development of the social system in Germany and beyond. It is an example of the social need for institutional social security .
In the anniversary year 2010, the achievements of the miners as the origin of our current social system were honored in many ways. For example, on July 1, 2010, an anniversary exhibition opened in the German Mining Museum in Bochum , and on November 11, 2010 a special stamp “750 Years of Knappschaft” was issued.
Role as social security
For mutual support, especially against the hazards of the profession, own miners' banks have been since ancient times (also Bruderladen so special called in Austria, or grace Grosch cash ) formed whose already Kuttenberger Bergordnung commemorates of the 1300th Originally, their formation was left to the free association of those involved (Knappschaftsvereine) . Legislation (Prussia since 1854, Austria 1854 and 1892) has prescribed the creation of such cash registers in general (in Saxony only for ore mining). All workers must join. In addition to them, the plant owners are also involved in the costs and administration. These have to contribute at least half of the contributions paid by the workers. The administration is carried out by a board of directors, half elected by the factory owners and half of the workers, under the supervision of the mining authority. […] The health insurances, which have to cover certain districts, grant […] free health cure and meals, sick pay , contribution to funeral costs , invalids , widows and orphans pensions for members with full rights in the event of illness . The amount of the pension increases with the length of membership; the amount of support and contributions is determined by statute. [...] For the whole of the German Reich, a workers' liability insurance association has been set up to compensate for all industrial accidents. Provided that the Knappschaftskasse meets certain statutory requirements, the members of the Knappschaft also meet their old age and disability insurance obligations by participating in this fund.
See also
- Miners' union in Mecklenburg with statements also on other regions or with transferable regulations
- Claus Brabant, Doris Grand-Ivic: Miners and mountain brotherhoods in the Saxon Ore Mountains . Ed .: Auer Employment Initiative e. V. Druckerei & Verlag Mike Rockstroh, Aue June 2004, p. 96 ( Table of Contents [PDF; accessed on June 22, 2011]).
- Albert Caron: The reform of the miners 'union and general workers' insurance . Berlin 1882.
- Martin H. Geyer: The Reichsknappschaft . Insurance reforms and social policy in mining 1900–1945. Beck, Munich 1987, ISBN 978-3-406-32267-9 .
- Günter Horn : The eldest miners in the central German mining regions . Bochum 2000.
- Tobias A. Jopp: On the Historical Roots of the Modern Welfare State: The Knappschaft Statistics of 1861 to 1920 as a Source for Quantitative Historical Social Research . = Historical Social Research Vol. 38, 1, 2013, pp. 311–337.
- Ulrich Lauf : The Knappschaft . Asgard-Verlag Hippe, Sankt Augustin 1994.
- Rudolf Knapp: The Brother Loading Law of July 28, 1889, RGBl. No. 127 and the model statute for it . Help book for practical use. Manz, Vienna 1892, XII, p. 165 .
- Adolf Menzel: Workers' insurance under Austrian law . Systematically processed with consideration of German imperial law. by Adolf Menzel. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1893, p. 504 ( archive.org [accessed June 22, 2011]).
Festschrift for 750 years of miners' union
- Georg Greve , Gilbert Gratzel, Eberhard Graf: The Knappschaft as a social scout: 750 years of the Knappschaft . Social responsibility at all times. Ed .: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See. Bochum 2010.
- Holger Zürch , Eberhard Graf, Gilbert Gratzel: Social Responsibility for Saxony - a Festschrift . Ceremonial event "750 years of miners 'union" and "20 years of miners' union back in Saxony" in Chemnitz on January 21, 2011 (with Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillich as guest of honor). Ed .: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See. Bochum 2011.
- Ulrich Lauf : The Saxon miners' union . About history. 750 years of Knappschaft - social responsibility at all times. Ed .: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See. Bochum 2011.
- On broad shoulders . 750 years of the miners' union. In: Michael Fessner et al. (Ed.): Catalog of the exhibition of the German Mining Museum Bochum . Bochum 2010.
- Past and future of social security systems using the example of the Federal Miners' Union and its successors . A research project of the Leibniz Association. In: Christoph Bartels, Lars Bluma et al. (Ed.): Yearbook for Economic History 2009 . No. 2 , p. 195-217 .
- Christoph Bartels (Ed.): Occupational risk and social security . Contributions to the conference "Past and future of social security systems using the example of the Federal Miners' Union and its successors" Bochum 2010.
Dictionary article
- Emminghaus in the concise dictionary of political science
- Haberer: brother shop . In: Mischler's Austrian State Dictionary . Vienna 1894 ff.
- Kratz: Knappschaftsvereine . In: Stengels dictionary of German administrative law
Web links
- The Knappschaft as a social scout. 750 years of Knappschaft - social responsibility at all times . (PDF) accessed on March 27, 2018
- Ulrich Lauf : The Saxon miners' union system - the history . (PDF) accessed on March 27, 2018
- Social responsibility for Saxony . (PDF) accessed on March 27, 2018
- Ulrich Lauf : The hospitals of the German miners' associations in the 19th and 20th centuries . (PDF) accessed on March 27, 2018
- Literature on the subject of Knappschaft in the catalog of the German National Library
- Information website 750 years of miners' union
Individual evidence
- ↑ Knappschaft, die. In: Duden. Bibliographisches Institut GmbH, accessed on February 13, 2019 .
- ↑ Squire, who. In: Duden. Bibliographisches Institut GmbH, accessed on February 13, 2019 .
- ↑ Gilbert Gratzel: 750 years Miners . In: tag - magazine of the Knappschaft , issue 1/2010, Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See, Bochum , barkschaft.de ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF)
- ↑ Jürgen Fege: On the 750-year history of the Knappschaft . In: Ärzteblatt Sachsen , 12/2012 edition, slaek.de ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 297 kB)
- ↑ a b With the blessing of the bishop . In: Vorwärts , issue December / January 2010/2011, p. 32
- ↑ 750 years of the Knappschaft
- ↑ Cf. on the miners' unions in the Kaiserreich: Collection of sources on the history of German social policy 1867 to 1914 , Section I: From the time when the Empire was founded to the Imperial Social Message (1867-1881) , Volume 6: Pension and Invalid Funds , edited by Florian Tennstedt and Heidi Winter, Darmstadt 1999.