Paul Seippel

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Paul Seippel (around 1900, unknown photographer)

Paul Seippel (born April 24, 1858 in Gingins ; died March 13, 1926 in Chêne-Bourg ) was a Swiss Romanist .


Paul Seippel was a son of the teacher Jean Seippel and Louise Secretan. His parents died early and he was promoted by an uncle.

Seippel studied literature and law in Geneva, Leipzig, Berlin and Paris. From 1884 he worked as an editor at the Journal de Genève . In Belgrade he worked for the Serbian Foreign Ministry for two years . In 1895 he made a world tour, about which he published a report. He married Sophie Bovet in 1897, their son Claude Seippel became an engineer. From 1898 to 1926 he taught French literature and language at the Zurich Polytechnic and was also a freelance journalist.

During the First World War he tried to mediate between the partisans of the Central Powers and the Entente in German and French-speaking Switzerland. After the end of the war, he and Carl Spitteler successfully campaigned for Switzerland to join the League of Nations . The pacifist Romain Rolland was friends with him.

Seippel was President of the Swiss Writers' Association from 1915 to 1919 . He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva . The municipality of Chêne-Bourg named a street after him.

Fonts (selection)

  • Terres lointaines: voyage near you monde. Payot, Lausanne 1897.
  • (Ed.): La Suisse au dix-neuvième siècle. Payot, Lausanne 1899.
  • Les Deux Frances et leurs origines historiques. Julien, Geneva 1905.
  • La critique des "Deux Frances". Julien, Geneva 1906.
  • Escarmouches: au pays romand; contre les vandales; les Artistes et le Public; questions religieuses. Payot, Lausanne 1910
  • Romain Rolland: l'homme et l'oeuvre. Ollendorff, Paris 1913.
  • Adele Comb. Payot, Lausanne 1912.
    • Adele Comb. Translation by Susanne Elkan. Francke, Bern 1913.
  • Un Poète français tombé au champ d'honneur: Charles Péguy . Paris: Payot, Paris 1915-
  • Les Evénements actuels vus de la Suisse romande. Rascher, Zurich 1915.
  • Swiss truths. Rascher, Zurich 1917.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Claude Seippel , at DNB
  2. ^ Felix Brun: Paul Seippel brought Switzerland into the League of Nations. In: , May 11, 2019
  3. Chemin Paul-SEIPPEL , short biography, in: Noms géographiques du canton de Genève