Payr zum Thurn

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Family coat of arms of the Payr

The Knights of Payr zum Thurn , even Payr von Thurn , are an ancient, from the Upper Inn Valley derived Tyrolean noble family.


The family with Ulrich Payr and his son Heinrich from the Upper Inn Valley was first mentioned on August 2, 1424. The secure line of tribe began with Ulrich Payr (* 1482 in Freising), who came to Ried in Tyrol with Veit von Wächingen (Wehingen) , court lord and carer, as his scribe . Later he was an innkeeper in Prutz and a judge of the Higher Court of Laudeck and Prutz ( Landeck district ). In 1551 these judges lived in Ried, from the 17th century permanently in Sigmundsried .

Ursula Payr zum Thurn und Bach
(† before 1658), since 1638 Tschiderer von Gleifheim (residence near Eppan )

Ruprecht Payr († 1559), the latter's son, judge of Laudeck in Prutz, received a letter of arms from Emperor Ferdinand I on July 14, 1544 in Prague . His son Peter († 1597) was also a judge there from 1559 to 1597. The Thurnpach residence (Thurnbach) was the headquarters of the Lords of Payr "zum Thurn und Bach". This was probably destroyed by a fire. The Lords of Payr did not build it up anymore, but built a new seat nearby, at the "Rosengarten" (Kreuzweghof, house no. 142 near Paschpach ) in the municipality of Eppan . In 1612 there were 14 ancestral portraits of the gentlemen in this house by Payr. Peter's great-grandson, Georg, the founder of the older family line, received a freemen's diploma on October 3, 1634, Friedrich on July 8, 1651 .

Georg (I.) Payr zum Turm in der Breite († 1590) from Prutz married Eva, the heir to Hans Weinangl, for the second time in 1562. His younger son Christof (I) († January 1630), founder of the younger family line, was a land clerk on the Adige and advised Archduke Maximilian III. On February 17, 1605, a Tyrolean coat of arms association with that of the extinct Weinangl was carried out for him by Archduke Maximilian. His mother Eva was the last of the family. His brothers Georg, Ruprecht and Hans and their cousins ​​Friedrich and Wilhelm were also allowed to use this coat of arms. A coat of arms with a feudal article was awarded to Hanns Payr on November 15, 1606. On July 8th, 1631 Christoph was raised posthumously to the imperial nobility with the predicate "vom Thurn".

Older line

The descendants of Georg (II.) Acquired the hereditary-Austrian knighthood as "Knight and Noble von Payr zum Thurn in Palbith" with coat of arms improvement in Vienna on January 15, 1753. It was valid for the brothers Johann Michael, Upper Austrian representative and court chamber secretary Franz Friedrich (born April 14, 1685 in Innsbruck ; † January 8, 1759 ibid) doctor of medicine, prince-bishop Brixen personal physician , including to Bishop Kaspar Ignaz von Künigl , and professor at the University of Innsbruck . The latter left a fortune of 81,116  florins. The same settled in Styria and had acquired several goods there. On March 1, 1755, Empress Maria Theresa added another coat of arms for the aforementioned brothers .

Younger line

On July 8, 1631, Emperor Ferdinand II raised Christof (II.) Payr, Archducal Councilor, Landschreiber on the Etsch and Landscape Secretary in Tyrol, adding the coat of arms of Regensburg to the hereditary Austrian nobility and to the knightly imperial nobility with "von Thurn "on July 8, 1636 in Vienna . He was married to Anna Schnatzer and had 11 children with her. Christofs (II.) Son Felix-Peter was married to the Überetscherin Anna Aichner von Paschpach († 1660) and founded the actual Überetscher line of the Payr. The admission into the Tyrolean aristocratic registers took place for his sons, Felix-Peter and Jacob, government vice-chancellor on November 6, 1665, and for Franz Payr von Thurn in Überetsch in 1678. In 1755, Empress Maria Theresa added another coat of arms .

coat of arms

1544: In a shield divided by silver and black with a leaping, single horse in mixed up colors. On the helmet with black and silver covers the black and silver divided horse grows. This corresponds to the coat of arms of the Oberinntaler Payr.

1636: Squared shield. 1 and 4 a jumping horse in mixed up colors (family coat of arms). 2 and 3 in gold on a green Dreiberg, a black rooster with a silver comb and rag and a raised right claw (Weinangl. The coat of arms was awarded to Johann Weinangl on December 29, 1492 in Innsbruck, who is probably identical to Hans Weinangel, who on November 7, 1473 from the pastor of Zams (near Prutz), who bought the Brixen canon Michael Aichhorn). On the helmet with black and silver blankets on the right, black and gold on the left, the horse grows.

1753: shield like 1631. Two helmets, on the right one with black and silver covers a growing black eagle, on the left one with black and gold covers the growing steed between two buffalo horns, the right one from silver and black, the left one from gold and black divided.

In 1895 Schullern-Schrattenhofen mentions two somewhat different helmets for the knightly coat of arms: on the first a growing black eagle, on the second a growing silver horse between buffalo horns divided in silver and black.

Historical coats of arms


  • GHdA , Adelslexikon Volume 10 (119), Limburg ad Lahn 1999, p. 221 ff.
  • Georg Grabmayr von Angerheim : The Payr in the Oberinntal [with family tables], in: Publications of the Museum Ferdinandeum vol. 18 (1938) pp. 225-237
  • Dr. Rudolf von Granichstaedten-Czerva: Brixen - imperial principality and court. Verlag Österreichische Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1948
  • Joseph Alexander von Helfert (ed.): A votive picture of Payr von Thurn [Georg Payr with his wives Kunigunde von Wall and Eva Weinangl and their children], in: Mittheilungen der KK Central-Commission for the research and preservation of art and historical monuments , Vol. 25, Vienna 1899, pp. 88-90
  • Hanns Jäger-Sunstenau : Payr von Thurn 1282-1830. In: Biographical-genealogical collection of the archive of the city of Vienna (including supplements) , Volume 3, in: "Austrian Family Archives ", Verlag Degener & Co, Neustadt an der Aisch 1969, pp. VII-XVI
  • Hermann von Schullern-Schrattenhofen: The nobles of Payr zum Thurn in Palbyth, knights [according to Grabmayr von Angerhofen with partially incorrect filiation], in: About some families of the Tyrolean official nobility. A contribution to the history of the German family , in: Yearbook of the kk heraldic society "ALDER", NF 5./6. Vol., Vienna 1895 p. 34 ff.
  • The same: The Payr von Thurn in the first half of the 17th century , in: Monatsblatt der Gesellschaft “ALDER”, 1918, p. 184 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Yearbook of the Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft "Adler", 1895, p. 143 f.
  2. Woidt Genealogy
  3. Dr. Rudolf von Granichstaedten-Czerva: “Brixen - Reichsfürstentum und Hofstaat”, Verlag Österreichische Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1948, p. 320 ff.
  4. ^ Georg Grabmayr von Angerheim: Die Payr im Oberinntal [with family tables], in: Publications of the Museum Ferdinandeum vol. 18 (1938) p. 226 f. and filiation according to family tree, p. 235.
  5. ^ Georg Grabmayr von Angerheim: Die Payr im Oberinntal [with family tables], in: Publications of the Museum Ferdinandeum vol. 18 (1938) p. 230.
  6. Dr. Rudolf von Granichstaedten-Czerva: "Überetsch - knight castles and nobles (Eppan, Kaltern, Tramin, Girlan)" in the Austrian family register vol. 2, Neustadt an der Aisch 1963, p. 88.
  7. Dr. Rudolf von Granichstaedten-Czerva: "Brixen - Reichsfürstentum und Hofstaat", Verlag Österreichische Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1948, p. 28
  8. a b Prof. Dr. Ernst Heinrich Kneschke: "New general German Adels-Lexicon", Volume 7, Ossa-Ryssel, Verlag Friedrich Voigt's Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1867, p. 77. Schmutz, III. P. 103. - Megerle v. Mühlfeld, Krg.-Bd. 8. 186.
  10. ^ Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Adelslexikon Volume X, Limburg ad Lahn 1999, p. 221 f.
  11. Áldásy Antal, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Könyvtárának czímereslevelei 1200-1868 , Budapest, 1904, p 373 (Hungarian, with original picture and German Originalblasonierung) or A Magyar Országos Levéltár címereslevelei ( Memento of the original from 29 October 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Budapest 2000: Weinangl, Johann ( Memento of the original from October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Hungarian, with coat of arms ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. Leo Santifaller , The Brixner Cathedral Chapter in its personal composition in the Middle Ages , Volume II, Innsbruck 1925, p. 267 . Compare also documents from St. Laurence Day 1483 (awarding of Abbot Kaspars des Weinanglguts in Zams to Hannsen Weinangl) and from Erchtag next to S. Andreas day 1510 (reverse of Hanns Weinangl several items and goods located in Zams)
  13. ^ Hermann von Schullern-Schrattenhofen, Die Edlen von Payr zum Thurn in Palbyth, Knight [according to Grabmayr von Angerhofen with partially incorrect filiation], in About some families of the Tyrolean official nobility. A contribution to the history of the German family , in: Yearbook of the kk heraldic society "ALDER", NF 5./6. Vol., Vienna 1895 p. 36 ( Memento from December 24, 2013 in the Internet Archive )