Peter Johann von Koskull

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Peter John of Koskull also Koschkull (born January 15 . Jul / 26. January  1786 greg. In Mitau , † November 15 jul. / 27. November  1852 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian lieutenant general .


Origin and family

Peter Johann was a member of the Kurland noble family von Koskull . His parents were the Prussian lieutenant and tenant of Rawen in Courland Johann Wilhelm von Koskull (1748–1797) and Natalie von Essen , sister of the Russian lieutenant general and governor general of St. Petersburg Count Peter von Essen .

Koskull married Alexandra Pushchina, daughter of Russian Lieutenant General Paul Pushchin, in St. Petersburg in 1817 . The marriage resulted in a son and two daughters.


Koskull was enrolled in the Gatchina Army of Grand Duke Paul from 1794 . In 1802 he took up his active service in the Imperial Army with the Guard on horseback . He faced Napoleon's Russian campaign in 1812 with the rank of Rittmeister and earned the order Pour le Mérite in the Wars of Liberation in 1814 . He was promoted to colonel in 1817 and was commander of the Guard Cuirassier Regiment from 1819 to 1834 . In 1826 he was also a wing adjutant . Koskull received his promotion to major general and in 1834 became commander of the 1st Cuirassier Division. He finally rose to lieutenant general in 1835 and was inspector of the Reserve Guard Cavalry from 1845 to 1852.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Oskar Stavenhagen (Ed.): Genealogical Handbook of the Courland Knighthood , Volume 1, Görlitz undated, p. 339.
  2. Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le mérite. Volume 2, Mittler , Berlin 1913, p. 314, no.2100.