Peter Pollatschek

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Peter Pollatschek (born March 29, 1944 in Basel , † September 12, 1968 in Büßleben ) was a German actor .


Peter Pollatschek was born in Switzerland, where his parents lived in exile. He studied at the Babelsberg Film Academy and had his first engagement at the Erfurt Theater . He played inter alia, the Puck in Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare , the Eilif in Bertolt Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children and the title character in Carlo Goldoni's comedy servant of two masters . In addition to acting, he wrote lyrical poetry. Shortly before another engagement at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin, Pollatschek died at the age of 24 in a traffic accident with his car, which he had bought only a few days earlier.

In the 1960s, Pollatschek took part in some DEFA productions , such as the crime film Die Glatzkopfbande or Turlis Abenteuer , based on Carlo Collodi's story Pinocchio's adventures , where he played the role of the cat Eusebius .


Radio plays

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Peter Pollatschek at DEFA-Sternstunden, accessed on November 10, 2016 (no longer available)
  2. Pacht's blog: A 70th birthday not experienced , accessed on November 10, 2016
  3. ^ Henryk Goldberg: Henryk Goldberg recalls an Erfurt actor , Thüringer Allgemeine from January 31, 2014 , accessed on November 10, 2016