It doesn't work without love

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Original title It doesn't work without love
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1963
length 77 minutes
Director Rudi Kurz
script Lothar Höricke
Jan Koplowitz
production DEFA , KAG “Konkret”
on behalf of DFF
music Wolfgang Hohensee
camera Helmut Grewald
cut Anneliese Hinze-Sokolowa

It doesn't work without love is a German television film by Rudi Kurz from 1963 , which was produced by DEFA for German television .


After the death of her mother, Irene Klaussen grew up with her father, who works as an engineer in a measuring instrument factory in Berlin. She is a loner, but gifted and intelligent. She can solve math problems quickly, is also a very good student in other respects and can easily make technical drawings herself. She dresses boyishly and hardly takes on social tasks. One day she shows up late for a math assignment and sees that there is a new student in the class. His name is Peter Lemke, he is handsome and turns the heads of the girls in high school. Like Irene, he finishes work in a short time. They meet in front of the classroom and Peter teases Irene about her clothes. He claims she has crooked legs because she hides them in pants. Irene, however, has fallen in love with Peter and for the first time ever and tries hard over the next few days to please him. She goes to school earlier so that she can ride with him for a few more stops on the bus, and she makes an extra effort at school. Nevertheless, Peter criticizes them at the next meeting of the learning-active. It is one of the best, but only at the expense of others. Irene goes home crying and her father comforts her. Although she doesn't want to go to the school ball, her father buys her a beautiful dress, shoes and jewelry. How transformed she appears at the ball and Peter finally has eyes for her. When he kisses her, she slaps him anyway. She can't understand why he suddenly likes her just because she's wearing a dress. Nevertheless, they both become a couple and spend many hours together. One day he told her that he had volunteered to work on the construction site of the oil combine in Granow for a year. Without telling him anything, Irene also agrees.

After receiving her Abitur certificate, in which Irene was recognized as one of the best students, Peter suddenly disappeared. Irene thinks he has gone to Granow and rushes to follow him in his high school graduation gown. The head of operations and FDJ secretary Anton met her critically on the construction site. For him she is just a "decorative doll" who has no idea of ​​practical work. Nevertheless, Irene refuses to work in the planning department of the construction site. Instead, it can be divided up for trenching. Before starting work, she found out by letter that Peter was working in Granow's advertising department. In turn, he can do this work from Berlin, so he won't be working in Granow. Irene wants to cancel her work assignment immediately, but thinks about it because she wants to refute Anton's prejudice. She works hard for the next few weeks, but cannot integrate into the collective. She is considered an outsider and difficult, actually knows a lot better, but is also rejected by the men because of her snooty nature. Irene is planning her first free weekend in Berlin, where she wants to meet Peter. However, he has to work in Germany these days and Irene starts to cry. She is invited by a colleague to go swimming with others. For the first time she becomes part of the community. The worker Horst, called "Ali-Baba", flirts with her and she puts up with it innocently. When other girls tell her that Horst is the friend of the worker Regina, she gets Horst to go to Regina. Horst and Regina later get married and Regina borrows Irene's ball gown for it.

Anton recognizes Irene's potential and uses her in various positions on the large construction site. In this way she gets to know all the work and works, among other things, as an excavator operator and bricklayer. She thinks Anton is trying to bully her and one evening gives him her opinion. In doing so, she accidentally destroys a plan drawing that Anton has just laboriously made. She feels guilty and recreates the drawing for him. She learns that he too wants to apply for admission to the civil engineering school in Schwerin. However, due to his numerous tasks on the construction site, he does not have time to prepare for the entrance examination. From now on they both learn together, she takes some of the plan drawings from him and they get closer. Together they finally pass the entrance exam and father Klaussen is enthusiastic about Anton.

At the end of her year on the construction site, Irene is returning to Berlin. She meets with Peter and they both spend the night together. The next morning, however, Irene realizes that Peter is not the single-minded and perfect young man she thought he was. Several times this month he has reported sick at his company due to laziness. He has just gone to work and Irene is cleaning the apartment when a strange woman stands at the door. It turns out that Peter has been having an affair for half a year. He passed Irene off as a sister in front of his lover. Irene is horrified and leaves immediately. She doesn't want to go home and so she just follows her feelings. In the end, she lands back on the construction site in Granow and happily falls into Anton's arms. Both go away together.


Schwedt construction site, a location for the film

It doesn't work without love is based on the story of the same name by Jan Koplowitz, who was also involved in the script. The script differs from the original, for example the bookstore takes place in the ČSSR .

The shooting took place in the DEFA studios Potsdam-Babelsberg and on the construction site of the VEB Petrolchemische Kombinat in Schwedt / Oder . The film structures were made by Ernst-Rudolf Pech , the costumes were created by Marianne Schmidt . The film had its television premiere on October 22, 1963 at the DFF .

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