Peter Tschiene

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Peter Tschiene (born April 18, 1935 ) is a German sports scientist and trainer .


Tschiene was a track and field athlete at SC Neubrandenburg. After moving to the Federal Republic of Germany, he was editor-in-chief of the German Olympic Sports Confederation's training magazine, competitive sports, from 1971 to 2017 . Until his retirement he was an academic (senior) councilor at the Institute for Sports Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt and trainer of the ASC Darmstadt . His successes as a trainer of the athletic throws included u. a. the hammer throw -Weltrekorde of Walter Schmidt . He is an advisor to the Italian Athletics Federation and Olympic CommitteeComitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano . Thanks to Tschiene as a translator of books and articles, the findings of Soviet training science have been incorporated into West German training science since the late 1960s. Because of this bridging function, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Kiev Sports University .

In 2018 he was awarded the Badge of Honor of the German Olympic Sports Confederation .

Individual evidence

  1. Artrevolver: Awards. Retrieved September 11, 2018 .
