Philipp Umbscheiden

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Philipp Umbscheiden (born October 8, 1816 in Grünstadt , † July 9, 1870 in Munich ) was a German lawyer and politician.


After attending the Latin School Green Town , and the high school in Bergzabern studied Umbscheiden in Erlangen and Würzburg jurisprudence . During his time in Erlangen he was a member of the old Erlanger fraternity Germania in 1835 , but resigned there after this student union was banned in 1835 or 1836 and became a member of the Baruthia Corps in 1836 . After completing his legal training, he became a justice of the peace in Dahn .

In 1848/49 he represented the constituency of Bergzabern in the Frankfurt National Assembly . There he belonged to the Nuremberg court , the left in the narrower sense . Umbscheiden was a member of the March Association and since April 11, 1849 a member of the committee for the implementation of the Imperial Constitution . After the rump parliament was dissolved, he was retired in 1850, arguing that he had represented the principles of the extreme left .

After a brief exile in Geneva , he sat in the Bavarian state parliament from 1861 to 1870 . In the Palatinate hymn book dispute he later took sides against the newly introduced hymn book and against the consistory . He was also a political writer.

Umbscheiden was not rehabilitated until 1868 and was appointed royal appellate judge in Zweibrücken . He died of a kidney infection in Munich at the age of 53 .


His father was a magistrate's clerk in Grünstadt and was appointed judge in Bergzabern at the age of 72; his mother came from the liberal pastor family Geul. Three brothers were actively involved in the Palatinate uprising in 1849 , Franz Umbscheiden was sentenced to death in absentia and emigrated.


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Volume 6: T-Z. Winter, Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-8253-5063-0 , pp. 92-93.
  • Rudolf H. Böttcher: Philipp Umbscheiden - The youngest is the last to be rehabilitated. In: The family ties of the Palatinate Revolution 1848/1849. A contribution to the social history of a bourgeois revolution. Special issue of the Association for Palatinate-Rhenish Family Studies. Volume 14. Issue 6. Ludwigshafen am Rhein 1999. P. 266f.
  • Rainer Koch (Ed.): The Frankfurt National Assembly "1848/49". Kunz, Kelkheim 1989, ISBN 3-923420-10-2 .
  • Egbert Weiß : Corps students in the Paulskirche . Once and Now, yearbook of the Association for Corps Student History Research (special issue 1990).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Brief report on the status of the Royal Progymnasium in Grünstadt in Rheinbayern , Kirchheimbolanden, 1828, p. 10; (Digital scan)