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Phradmon ( Greek  Φράδμων ) was a Greek sculptor from Argos who worked in the second half of the 5th century BC. Was active.

With Pliny he is named next to Pheidias , Polykleitos , Kresilas and Kydon among the famous sculptors of his time, his main creative period is said to have been in the 90th  Olympiad (420-417 BC). As part of a competition in Ephesus with the greatest artists of his time around 430 BC. BC he created a statue of an Amazon for the sanctuary of Artemis in Ephesus . Copies of these statues have only survived from its competitors Phidias , Polyklet and Kresilas. A copy of an amazon from Villa Doria Pamphili , which was previously attributed to the Phradmon, is now considered to be a remodeling of a statue of Polyklet.

According to Pausanias , Phradmon created two victorious statues of Amertas von Elis , who was victorious in the wrestling of the boys at the Olympic Games in Olympia in the wrestling of the boys (90th Games in 420 BC) and in the Pythian Games in Delphi in the wrestling of the adults. An inscription from Ostia shows that he created a statue of the Delphic Pythia Charite there.

An epigram of Theodoridas (also called Theodoridas of Syracuse) from the 2nd half of the 3rd century BC. Chr. Reports on a monumental work by Phradmon comprising twelve bronze cows, which was erected as a votive offering of the Illyrians on the occasion of a military victory in front of the temple of Athena Itonia in Thessaly . If the current dating of the decisive event 356 BC If true, the work must have been created by another sculptor of the same name.



  1. Pliny, Naturalis historia 34, 19.
  2. Pliny, Naturalis historia 34, 53.
  3. ^ Pausanias 6: 8, 1.
  4. ^ Wilhelm Seelbach: The epigrams of the Mnasalkes of Sikyon and of Theodoridas of Syracuse. Wiesbaden 1964.
  5. Anthologia Palatina 9, 743.