Konrad Balthasar Pichtel

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Konrad Balthasar Pichtel (born May 27, 1605 in Amberg , † December 13, 1656 in Oldenburg ) was a lawyer and court official.


Pichtel is the son of Balthasar Pichtel from the Electorate of the Palatinate and his third wife Susanna Wagner.

At the age of twelve, Pichtel came to his uncle in Nuremberg in 1617 in order to prepare for the university by teaching Greek and Latin . On July 12, 1617, he then matriculated at the University of Altdorf for a year.

Afterwards, at the request of his parents, he went back to Amberg to attend the Latin school there for another two years. In 1620 Pichtel re-enrolled at the University of Altdorf to study philosophy. On May 13, 1623 moved to the law faculty of the University of Wittenberg . Further stations of his law studies were the universities of Leipzig and Frankfurt / Oder .

After completing his studies, Pichtel completed the obligatory Cavalier tour that took him through Germany, Bohemia and Hungary. His journey home went through France and the Netherlands. After his return home, he was offered a position at the Imperial Court of Justice in Speyer . He accepted this, but went to Wittenberg in 1628.

From 1629 to 1630 Pichtel worked as a lawyer in Dresden . In early 1630, he joined Duke Friedrich III. from Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf , who returned to Gottorf . With the protection of the duke, Pichtel settled as a lawyer in Holstein .

On May 24, 1632 defended his thesis Pichtel Textuum juris maxim nobilium et notabilium, ex diversis partibus ejus et desumpta in semicenturiam adnotationum Resoluta and became the Doctor juris doctorate.

On April 28, 1634 he married Christina Adelheid Pfreund, a daughter of the office director of the Herford Monastery , Johannes Pfreund and a granddaughter of Hermann Vultejus .

Appointed in 1635, Pichtel was appointed Privy Councilor and Praetor Pupillaris by Count Anthon Günther von Oldenburg . As such he was a member of the Westphalian Peace Congress together with Hermann Mylius .

On November 4, 1642, Pichtel, together with Joachim von Böselager and Prince Johann von Anhalt-Zerbst, was accepted into the Fruit Bringing Society by Prince Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen . It is given the name of the society of the conqueror and the motto the need . The tooth herb ( Lathraea squamaria L. ) was given to him as an emblem . Pichtel's entry can be found in the Koethen society book under the number 399. There is also the rhyme law noted, with which he thanked for the admission:

The tooth herb is called teeth that are like them
It overcomes it with beautiful color and splendidly
The serious illness need for which it is enough to help
Burned out by the water: Drumb finds my name
Overcoming also: Certainly virtue gives way
The vice big crowd, and for you soon disappears:
You must be killed, soon you will rack death
That one remains fruitful even in the greatest need.

At first, Pichtel stood by Prince Johann's side. But when he got more and more problems with his Anhalt relatives, Pichtel sided with Prince Christian II of Anhalt-Bernburg in July 1643 .

It is said that Pichtel often wrote epigrams and other occasional poems about everyday situations .

At the age of 51 Konrad Balthasar Pichtel died on December 13th in Oldenburg, as can be seen from the surviving funeral sermon on him.