Pier Giuseppe Sandoni

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Pier Giuseppe Sandoni ( Pietro Giuseppe Sandoni ; born August 1, 1685 in Bologna , † August 16, 1748 ibid) was an Italian composer .

Giovanni Battista Bononcini's pupil was organist at San Giacomo in Bologna as early as 1698 . In 1702 he became a member of the Accademia Filarmonica , which he also directed several times. He went on concert tours as a harpsichordist to Vienna , Munich and London , where he worked with Handel and in 1723 married the singer Francesca Cuzzoni . From 1728 he lived in Vienna and Venice before returning to London in 1734. From 1740 he worked as a harpsichordist and organist in Amsterdam .

In addition to operas and oratorios , Sandoni has composed harpsichord sonatas and other pieces for the harpsichord.


Only the librettos have survived from his oratorios and operas.


  • La pulcella d'Orléans , 1701
  • Gli oracoli della grazia , 1704
  • Il martirio di Santa Benedetta , Bologna 1704
  • La giustizia placata , 1705
  • L'Italia difesa da Maria , 1705
  • Il trionfo di Jaele , 1705
  • ll trionfo della grazia , 1706
  • Lo sposalizio di S. Gioseffo con Maria Vergine , 1706


Instrumental music

  • Lessons for the Harpsichord

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anne Schnoebelen:  Sandoni, Pietro Giuseppe. In: Grove Music Online (English; subscription required).
  2. Il trionfo di Camilla, regina de 'Volsci (Pietro Giuseppe Sandoni) in the Corago information system of the University of Bologna , accessed on October 6, 2017.