Semyonov-Tjan-Shansky Peak

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Semyonov-Tjan-Shansky Peak
View from Pik Uchitel from the north-northwest of Pik Semjonow-Tjan-Schanski

View from Pik Uchitel from the north-northwest of Pik Semjonow-Tjan-Schanski

height 4895  m
location Alamüdün Rajon in the Tschüi region ( Kyrgyzstan )
Mountains Kyrgyz Mountains ( Tian Shan )
Dominance 236.67 km →  Pik Talgar
Notch height 2231 m ↓  ( 2664  m )
Coordinates 42 ° 31 '16 "  N , 74 ° 34' 18"  E Coordinates: 42 ° 31 '16 "  N , 74 ° 34' 18"  E
Semyonov-Tjan-Shansky Peak (Kyrgyzstan)
Semyonov-Tjan-Shansky Peak

The Pik Semyonov-Tyan-Schanski ( Russian Пик Семёнова-Тяньшанского Pik Semyonova-Tjanschanskogo , Kyrgyz Аламүдүн чокусу Alamüdün tschokusu ) is the highest mountain in the Kyrgyz Mountains , a mountain range in the Tian Shan in Kyrgyzstan .

The 4895  m (according to other sources 4875  m ) high glaciated mountain is located in the Alamüdün Rajon in the Tschüi area . The Kyrgyz capital Bishkek is 40 km north. The western flank is drained by the Ala-Artscha , the eastern flank by the Alamüdün . The main ridge of the Kyrgyzstan, which runs in an east-west direction, is 10 km south.

The mountain was named after the Russian explorer and geographer Pyotr Petrovich Semjonow-Tjan-Schanski .

Web links

Commons : Pik Semjonow-Tjan-Schanski  - Collection of images, videos and audio files