Pista la Valascia

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Pista la Valascia
Exterior view of the Pista la Valascia in summer 2005
Exterior view of the Pista la Valascia in summer 2005
place SwitzerlandSwitzerland6775 Quinto , Canton Ticino , Switzerland
Coordinates 696 185  /  151649 coordinates: 46 ° 30 '33.3 "  N , 8 ° 41' 30.8"  O ; CH1903:  six hundred and ninety-six thousand one hundred eighty-five  /  151649
opening 1959
Renovations 1979
surface Concrete
artificial ice surface
capacity 7,000 seats (including 2,000 seats)

The Pista la Valascia ( German  ice rink Valascia ) is the ice rink of the HC Ambrì-Piotta ice hockey club in Quinto , Canton Ticino , in Italian-speaking Switzerland .


The ice rink, built in 1959, with a capacity of 7,000 spectators, of which 2,000 are seated and 5,000 are standing, is located in the municipality of Quinto, on the right side of the valley of the upper Leventina . The south portal of the Gotthard tunnel is only a few kilometers north of the ice rink. Twenty years after its inauguration, the open Pista la Valascia was covered with a wooden structure in 1979.

Previously, the HC Ambrì-Piotta club, founded on September 19, 1937, played in the uncovered Pista di Cava for 22 years . The club has played in the Swiss National League A (today: National League) since 1985 . The fan base, the Gioventù bianco-blu, cheers on their team from the south curve, the so-called Curva Sud. On average, more than 4,000 fans find their way to the club's stadium. Derbies against HC Lugano and play-off games, on the other hand, attract up to 9,000 spectators to the arena, which officially holds 7,000.

New building

For years there have been discussions and disputes about the renovation of the Pista la Valascia or a new building. Construction with 7,000 spaces on the site of the old Ambri airfield began in 2019 and should be ready for occupancy by summer 2021. The total costs, including the dismantling of the old Pista la Valascia, should be around CHF 53 million  .

In March 2020, construction work was stopped until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic . The companies involved in the construction had spoken out in favor of a construction freeze. The is the Valascia Immobiliare SA , which implements the project, recently met. Completion is now planned for the end of 2021. Actually, they wanted to be ready for the 2021/22 season by summer 2021. The financial consequences of this for the costs cannot yet be estimated. In the case of the delay, you would have to pay for the continued operation of the old hall in addition to the new building.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Pista la Valascia ( Memento from December 4, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Ambrì is looking for a new stadium - The Chronology. In: swisshockeynews.ch. June 6, 2017. Retrieved September 25, 2018 .
  3. ^ Website on the Nuova Valascia construction project . In: valasciaimmobiliare.ch. Retrieved September 25, 2018 (Italian, English).
  4. In October, the excavators for the new Valascia ice rink open in Ambri. In: Lucerne newspaper . August 30, 2018. Retrieved September 25, 2018 .
  5. ↑ Construction freeze on arena project. In: stadionwelt.de. March 24, 2020, accessed March 24, 2020 .