Pius Uhrig

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Pius Uhrig (born July 3, 1896 in Plittersdorf near Rastatt ; † January 10, 1973 there ) was a German worker, farmer and politician (KPD).

Live and act

Pius Uhrig attended elementary school. He earned his living first as a worker, later as a farmer. He served as a soldier in World War I from 1915 to 1918 . In 1919 he joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). In 1922 Uhrig joined the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). In the same year he became a local councilor in Plittersdorf. He also married at the time. In 1923 he became a works council in the Rastatt wagon factory . Uhrig published the Rote Dorfzeitung in Rastatt and the Rote Sturmfahne , the party newspaper of the KPD in Rastatt.

In 1931 he became chairman of the Reichsbauern- und Lächternbund, which at times comprised 20,000 members. He was one of the initiators of the KPD's peasant aid program.

In July 1932 Uhrig entered the Reichstag following his party's proposal for a Reich election . In the elections in November of the same year he was confirmed as a candidate for constituency 31 (Württemberg) as a parliamentarian and was a member of the Reichstag until March 1933.

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists, Uhrig was imprisoned several times in concentration camps and prisons. Between March 1933 and January 1934 he was in " protective custody " in the Bruchsal district prison and in the Heuberg concentration camp . Unemployed until 1937, in that year he found work building the West Wall and returned to the Rastatt wagon factory in July 1937. In the course of the " Operation Grid ", Uhrig was arrested again on August 22, 1944 and held in the Natzweiler concentration camps in Alsace, Dachau and in the Allach subcamp on the site of today's Ludwigsfeld settlement near Munich until liberation .

After the Second World War , Pius Uhrig was appointed by the French on June 1, 1945 as District Administrator of the Rastatt district . After the local elections in 1946, in which the CDU received a majority, he was not confirmed in this office, but remained in office until March 1947. He then became district administrator in the Lahr district until in April 1948 Viktor Huber von Gleichenstein was appointed to this office by the Baden Interior Minister, which he carried out in addition to his function as district administrator of the Emmendingen district .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Adalbert Metzinger : People in Resistance - Mittelbaden 1933–1943 (=  special publication of the Rastatt district archive, volume 13 ). regional culture publishing house, Rastatt 2017, ISBN 978-3-89735-978-9 , p. 47-51 .
  2. Martin Schumacher (Ed.): MdR The Reichstag members of the Weimar Republic in the time of National Socialism. Political persecution, emigration and expatriation 1933-1945. Droste-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1991, ISBN 3-7700-5162-9 , p. 1059 f.


Web links

  • Pius Uhrig in the database of members of the Reichstag