Viktor Huber von Gleichenstein

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Viktor Franz Freiherr Huber von Gleichenstein (born April 4, 1909 in Freiburg im Breisgau ; † June 16, 1994 in Constance ) was a German administrative lawyer and district administrator in various districts in Baden and Baden-Württemberg.


The son of a private citizen from Freiburg graduated from the Berthold-Gymnasium Freiburg in 1927 and then studied law and economics at the universities of Freiburg and Munich . He passed the first state examination in 1932 and the second state examination in 1936 and then worked for the JA Krebs bank in Freiburg and various industrial companies in the Rhineland . From 1938 to 1944, Huber von Gleichenstein worked as an auditor .

On May 1, 1945, after the occupation of Freiburg by the French army, he became head of department at the Freiburg Police Department. From February 1946 he worked as a councilor at the Lahr district office and was appointed as district administrator to Emmendingen in July of the same year . As the successor to the Lahr District Administrator Pius Uhrig , Gleichenstein was appointed by the Minister of the Interior in April 1948 as District Administrator of Lahr, a function that he held alongside his office in Emmendingen until June 1948. From July 1st he was then only district administrator in Lahr.

In Lahr, Huber von Gleichenstein was able to significantly alleviate the housing shortage thanks to his good relations with the French military administration and he promoted the development of a functioning school system in the commercial schools. This also included the agricultural school, which belonged to a district-owned farm with a size of 10 hectares as a display and teaching object. In 1950 the district founded a painting school, which today is the Badische Malerfachschule.

In February 1955 Huber von Gleichenstein was transferred to the Stockach District Office, where he was appointed District Administrator in July of the same year. As a result of the dissolution of the Stockach district, Huber von Gleichenstein was retired in 1973.

Viktor Huber von Gleichenstein was a descendant of the Baden administrative lawyer Ignaz von Gleichenstein .


  • Cornelia Gorka: Viktor Freiherr von Gleichenstein. District administrator in Lahr from 1948 to 1955 . In: Geroldsecker Land 45, 2003, pp. 92–94.

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