Plagiothecium denticulatum

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Plagiothecium denticulatum
Plagiothecium denticulatum at 30x magnification

Plagiothecium denticulatum at 30x magnification

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Plagiotheciaceae
Genre : Plagiarism
Type : Plagiothecium denticulatum
Scientific name
Plagiothecium denticulatum
( Hedw. ) Chimp.

Plagiothecium denticulate , colloquially Gezähneltes skew bush moss or tooth-Platt Moss called, is a Laubmoosart , which is often not only in Europe. At high altitudes in the Alps , it forms shapes that are difficult to determine. Transitional forms to other mosses are also often observed.


prosenchymatic lamina cells at 400x magnification

Plagiothecium denticulatum grows in smaller up to 10 cm wide blankets or lively green lawns. The individual, only about 1 to 2 cm long, slightly glossy, flattened leafy plants are light to fresh green or yellow-green in color. They grow prostrate - pressed against the substrate. When dry, the leaves are only slightly bent. They are around 2 mm long, asymmetrical, ovate-lanceolate in shape and arched with a wide point. Often the leaf margins are slightly bent and the leaf tip a little serrated. The prosenchymatic lamina cells are around 10 µm wide and about 120 µm long. The sometimes indistinctly separated leaf wing cells run down as a broad band and have rounded, more or less rectangular, often brownish colored cells. The midrib is very short.

The 2 to 4 cm long Seta arises from the short side shoots. The inclined capsule is shaped like a cylinder and colored reddish yellow. The kalyptra is tapered. The spores ripen in spring.


The moss is particularly common on tree bases or on rotten wood. However, it also colonizes earth and rock, preferring nutrient-rich, fresh to moist, lime-free, mostly shady, often acidic forest locations. In forests it is considered a characteristic indicator of eutrophication . The moss is widespread throughout Central Europe from the plains to the high Alps. It is a moss that is distributed almost worldwide ( cosmopolitan ).


  • Dietmar Aichele, Heinz-Werner Schwegler: Our moss and fern plants. An introduction to the way of life, the construction and the recognition of native mosses, ferns, bear moss and horsetail. 10th edition. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-440-06700-9 .
  • Ruprecht Düll : Excursion pocket book of the mosses. An introduction to moss science with special consideration of the biology and ecology of the most important mosses in Germany and for the magnification of the easily recognizable species in the area. 4th, improved, supplemented edition. IDH - Verlag für Bryologie und Ökologie, Bad Münstereifel 1993, ISBN 3-925425-00-4 .
  • Jan-Peter Frahm , Wolfgang Frey : Moosflora (= UTB . 1250). 4th, revised and expanded edition. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8252-1250-5 .

Web links

Commons : Plagiothecium denticulatum  - collection of images, videos and audio files