Podkrušnohorský přivaděč

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Aqueduct over Chomutovka
Přivaděč Ohře – Bílina and the Chomutov – Vejprty railway line

The Podkrušnohorský přivaděč , also Přivaděč Ohře – Bílina is a water supply system in the Czech Republic . It connects the Eger with the Bílina over a length of 33.8 kilometers and extends at the southern foot of the Ore Mountains between Klášterec nad Ohří and Jirkov .


The Podkrušnohorský přivaděč leads the pumped water from the Eger near Rašovice via a 3.2 km long pipeline to the north to an overflow, which is located northeast of the village of Ciboušov one hundred meters above the water level of the Eger. The watercourse runs for a further three kilometers through a canal covered with concrete panels at the northern foot of the ash pile of the Prunéřov power station, before it emerges in the former settling basin.

At Nová Víska the canal runs over the Prunéřovský potok ( Brunnersdorfer Bach ). The towns of Zelená and Málkov are next to the canal . About Černovice and Horní Ves, where it crosses the Chomutovka in an aqueduct , the Podkrušnohorský přivaděč passes on the northern outskirts of Chomutov . The canal runs northeast between Březenec , Vinařice and Jirkov .

The canal in Březenec originally fed the Bílina. Since 1973, he leads his water over Vinařice, Cerveny Hradek and Drmaly to Vysoká Pec , where at Nové Drmaly a water divider is south of the part of the water in the reservoir Újezd , the other north of the station Kyjice at the entrance to Ervěnický koridor directly feeds into Bílina.


The construction of the Přivaděč Ohře – Bílina began in 1957. It served to supply industrial water to the industrial area in Chomutov as well as a collection water for several smaller Ore Mountain streams, the water of which he directed to the Bílina at the open-cast mining area of ​​the North Bohemian Basin , thus protecting the pits from flooding. At the same time, the water flow from the Podkrušnohorský přivaděč ensures a stable flow of water in the Bílina and prevents it from drying out in dry periods. In 1967 the canal was first completed. Six years later it was resumed after the abandonment of the Dřínov reservoir under the name Podkrušnohorský přivaděč and extended to the Ervěnický koridor .

Its construction time is divided into two stages. The service water supply Přivaděč Ohře – Bílina was built between 1957 and 1967. In addition to the 3.2 km long pipeline, it also includes a 22.4 km long canal with a maximum flow rate of 27 m³ / s. Between 1973 and 1982 the section between the Bílina and the Ervěnický koridor was built, which has a flow capacity of 56 m³ / s.


  • Lužnička (l), below Blahuňov
  • Lideňský potok (l) in Zelená
  • Hutná (l and r) in Málkov
  • Hačka Canal (r), near Černovice from the ponds Uklidňující nádrž and Panský rybník
  • Hačka (l), near Chomutov
  • Lužec (l), near Červený Hrádek
  • Kundratický potok (l) in Vysoká Pec
  • Vesnický potok (l) in Vysoká Pec


Web links

Commons : Podkrušnohorský přivaděč  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files