Max Pribilla

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Max Friedrich Albert Pribilla , originally Max Przibilla (born November 22, 1874 in Cologne , † November 25, 1954 in Pullach , Munich ) was a German Catholic priest , Jesuit and publicist .


Max Pribilla, eldest son of the mining engineer Emanuel Demetrius Przibilla and his wife Ferdinandine born. Kocks, was a classmate and friend of the later Chancellor Konrad Adenauer . From 1894 to 1897 he studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn , where he and Adenauer became a member of the Catholic student association Arminia in the KV in 1894 . After his legal traineeship, Pribilla entered the Jesuit order in 1897 , studied theology at the religious college in Valkenburg and in 1908/09 at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .

Ordained a priest on August 27, 1906, Pribilla returned to Valkenburg as a lecturer in ethics . He became a chaplain during the First World War and since 1921 has been working on the Jesuit magazine “ Voices of the Time ”, for which he himself wrote 146 articles. Through experiences during the First World War, Pribilla became enthusiastic about the ecumenical movement and became a pioneer of the " Una Sancta Movement ". Since the Weimar period, Pribilla has been actively involved in the National Socialist ideology. After the verdict in the Wilhelmstrasse trial , he protested in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on May 3, 1949 against the imprisonment for Ernst von Weizsäcker , who in reality wanted to form a focal point in the secret resistance movement against Hitler through his apparently approving action .

In recognition of his lifetime achievement, Pribilla received the Great Federal Cross of Merit on May 10, 1954 .

Fonts (selection)

  • Religious-free moral instruction (= pamphlets of the "Voices of the Time", issue 13), Freiburg im Breisgau 1920
  • Effects and lessons of the revolution (= pamphlets of the "Voices of the Time", issue 18), Freiburg im Breisgau 1920
  • Catholic and modern thinking. An exchange of ideas about knowledge of God and morality between August Messer and Max Pribilla, Stuttgart 1924
  • Cultural turnaround and Catholicism (= On the religious situation of the present, vol. 6), Munich 1925
  • About the reunification in faith, Freiburg im Breisgau 1926
  • About church unity. Stockholm, Lausanne, Rome. Historical-theological presentation of the new efforts towards unification (= publication of the Catholic Academic Association), Freiburg im Breisgau 1929
  • The family. Ideal and Reality, Saarlouis 1932
  • Do not be afraid! Basic considerations on the ecclesiastical situation, Freiburg im Breisgau 1935
  • Bravery and Christianity, Hamburg 1947 (2nd expanded edition)
  • Germany after the collapse, Frankfurt am Main 1947
  • German questions of fate. Review and Outlook (2nd completely revised edition of "Germany after the collapse"), Frankfurt am Main 1950
  • (published posthumously :) Courage and civil courage of the Christian, with a foreword ed. by Oscar Simmel SJ, Frankfurt am Main 1957


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Max Pribilla: collective guilt or collective innocence , SZ, May 3, 1949, quoted in: Knud von Harbou : When Germany wanted to save its soul. The Süddeutsche Zeitung in the founding years after 1945 . Munich: dtv, 2015, pp. 208f.