Pro wildlife

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Pro Wildlife is an international non-profit animal and nature conservation organization founded in 1999 with headquarters in Munich. The association is recognized as a non-profit organization. According to the statutes, the aim of the association is to enforce better protection laws and measures for wild animals whose populations are threatened by poaching, hunting, animal trade and the destruction of habitats. According to the organization, the focus is on elephants , monkeys , dolphins , whales , sharks , reptiles and amphibians .


As part of its campaign against the ivory trade , Pro Wildlife published counts of the elephant populations in Tanzania in May 2015 , which show the decline in elephant populations there by over 60 percent within five years and called for trade bans. Pro Wildlife provides information on animal and species protection problems in elephant tourism. Organizers such as the TUI Group, AIDA Cruises, Studiosus and Hauser Excursions then announced that they would gradually remove elephant rides from the program. As a member of an expert group, Pro Wildlife advised the Federal Ministry of Agriculture , which was the first to develop guidelines for organizing animal fairs from the point of view of animal welfare . Pro Wildlife was invited to dolphinariums as an expert for the Agriculture Committee of the German Bundestag . In the rescue of distressed wildlife on site the organization including the monkey orphanage supported Limbe Wildlife Center in Cameroon, the Elephant Orphanage Project of the Game Rangers International in Zambia, the sanctuary for slow loris of International Animal Rescue in Indonesia and in the fight against poaching and wildlife trade in LAGA Wildlife Law Enforcement network operating in various African countries .


  • "Strategies to reduce the demand for reptiles, amphibians and small mammals kept as pets" (2020): Study commissioned by the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation on the subject of animal trade on the Internet, legally binding identification from dealers and dealer transparency.
  • “Endstation Wohnen” (2015): Study of offers to buy exotic mammals on two online platforms. Over a period of five years, more than ten thousand exotic mammals from 291 different species were offered for sale, including 54 monkey, 73 predator and 117 rodent species.
  • “Stolen Wildlife” (2014): The report documents the role of the EU as a sales market and hub for illegally caught reptiles. Based on the “Stolen Wildlife” report, the EU species conservation bodies are coordinating conservation initiatives for the 2016 CITES conference.
  • "Canapés to Extinction" (2011): The report examines the extent and consequences of the frog leg trade and was produced by Pro Wildlife in collaboration with two US organizations. The investigation was picked up by media in several European countries.
  • "Toxic Menu" (2009): The report published jointly with the Swiss organization OceanCare formed the basis for a resolution adopted by the International Whaling Commission in 2012 on health risks from whale meat.


  • Member of the German Nature Conservation Ring (DNR), the umbrella organization for nature, animal and environmental protection organizations in Germany, with 100 member organizations.
  • Member of the Species Survival Network (SSN), a network of over 100 animal and species protection associations worldwide. As the SSN Regional Bureau for Europe, Pro Wildlife is the contact for the responsible EU Commission and the EU species protection authorities.



In 2007, the German Society for Herpetology and Terrarium Studies (DGHT), among others, accused the association of an exaggerated number of 700 poisonings per year by exotic animals in Germany against the background of the planned ban on keeping animal species considered to be dangerous in the state of Hesse 60% by snake bites , having released. In fact, a maximum of 75 snake bites are reported annually.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Pro Wildlife Statutes. (PDF)
  2. Ivory trade: 65,000 elephants slaughtered in Tanzania. In: Spiegel Online . May 9, 2015, accessed June 10, 2018 .
  3. bschü / dpa: Animal protection: TUI is removing elephant riding from its program. In: . December 5, 2014, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  4. DPA-Serviceline: Tourism: Several tour operators will cancel elephant campaigns in the future. In: Focus Online . November 28, 2014, accessed October 14, 2018 .
  5. Guidelines for organizing animal fairs from the point of view of animal welfare. (PDF) In: BMU . P. 49 .;
  6. ^ Dispute over 16 dolphins in German zoos. In: German Bundestag .
  7. sponsors. In: Lime Wildlife Center. (English).
  8. To Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release orphaned elephants back into the wild! (English).
  9. Charity Partners. In: International Animal Rescue. (English).
  10. Homepage LAGA Wildlife Law Enforcement. (English).
  11. New study: Trade in exotic wild animals contributes to species extinction, from March 30, 2020 in
  12. Les grenouilles d'Indonésie menacées d'extinction par la gastronomie. In: (French).
  13. ^ Kai Ma: Global Appetite for Frog Legs Could Contribute to the Amphibian's Extinction. In: Time . August 1, 2011 (English).;
  14. ^ Pro Wildlife: Member of the DNR.
  15. ^ SSN Regional Bureau of Europe. (English).
  16. Transparency. In: Pro Wildlife.
  17. Review by Pro Wildlife. In: DZI.
  18. Do you want to let it go?, December 5, 2013, accessed August 30, 2014 .
  19. "Species Protection Association" PRO WILDLIFE invents horror statistics., December 2, 2007, accessed on September 13, 2012 .