Conservation organization

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A nature conservation organization is an association of people (usually as an association ) with the aim of protecting living nature or special areas. This includes all organizations working in the broadest sense to the protection and conservation of the landscape, for protection, Hege and maintenance of animal or plant species or of protected areas and habitats care.


On the one hand, there are associations that have a focus, protect a species or a protected area and often only work with a few committed specialists. In addition, there are a large number of associations in Germany such as the NABU or BUND , the fishing and hunting associations , which operate nationwide. These associations are in Germany to §§ 63 and 64 Federal Nature Conservation Act and corresponding provisions in the provincial nature conservation law as the respective province nature conservation association recognized and hearing entitled, especially in the preparation of planning approval process , land use plans or development plans . Due to the earlier recognition basis § 29 BNatSchG old version, the long-standing recognized associations are traditionally still called "29er associations". In the current nature conservation law, there is a transition clause in § 74 BNatSchG.

In addition to nature conservation, some associations are also active in the field of environmental protection , e. B. the BUND or the GNOR e. V.

In May 2011, the verdict of Justice that environmental groups also may complain extensive than previously before the courts (so-called. Class action ). Business associations feared a wave of lawsuits, while the Federal Council's Environment Committee found a year later that the number of environmental complaints was declining and that environmental associations should be particularly careful when dealing with collective actions.


In Austria, a nature conservation lawyer is elected by nature conservation organizations or appointed by the state . According to the statutes, these associations must have nature conservation as a goal or focus of their work, be active as widely as possible and have a minimum number of members.

List of organizations

see also: Category: Nature Conservation Organization






See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. § 29 BNatSchG in the version of the announcement from 1998 ( BGBl. I p. 2994 , PDF, 93 kB)
  2. ECJ, judgment of May 12, 2011 , Az. C-115/09, -Trianel-.
  3. Antje Höning: Environmental groups are allowed to sue industry . In: Rheinische Post , May 13, 2011.
  4. Printed matter 707/1/12. Environment Committee of the Federal Council
  5. In Vorarlberg the nature conservation lawyer is elected by nature conservation organizations. There are similar institutions in the other federal states (except Carinthia), but they are all appointed by the state. Appointment of the nature conservation lawyer. Nature Conservation Attorney Vorarlberg, accessed on December 22, 2017 .