Purple felted wooden knight

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Purple felted wooden knight
2007-09-25 Tricholomopsis rutilans crop.jpg

Purple felted wood knight ( Tricholomopsis rutilans )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Knight relatives (Tricholomataceae)
Genre : Wood Knights ( Tricholomopsis )
Type : Purple felted wooden knight
Scientific name
Tricholomopsis rutilans
( Schaeff  .: Fr. ) Sing.

The purple-felted or reddish wood knight ( Tricholomopsis rutilans ) is a type of mushroom from the family of knight relatives .


The Purpurfilzige Holzritterling grows singly or in small clusters to form in hat and handle structured fruiting . The hat is 5–15 cm wide and up to 16 cm high. The hat initially has a hemispherical shape, later spreading out. The yellow surface is covered with wine-red flakes of fiber. In young specimens, the scales are initially close together, which is why the hat appears wine-red to almost black-red. Later, the matt, red scales move further apart and the yellow basic color becomes visible. This makes the hat look red in the middle and dark yellow to orange on the outside. If the flakes are washed off by the rain, it can also appear almost yellow. The lively yellow lamellas on the underside of the hat are tightly packed, bulged or grown broadly on the handle and have a strongly ciliated cutting edge. The spore powder is white. The hat-colored, full-fleshed stem that sometimes becomes hollow with age can be up to 10 cm long and 2.5 cm thick. The meat is deep yellow, juicy and has a mild to slightly musty taste.

Ecology and phenology

The purple-felted wood knight is a saprobiont inhabitant of dead wood, which produces a white rot in the populated substrate . It usually grows on coniferous wood, in Central Europe primarily on lying trunks, stems and dead roots of spruce , as well as pines and firs , and very rarely also on hardwood. It occurs in various spruce and spruce-fir forests, in pine and spruce forests, in mixed forests and with the substrate trees also in other biotopes.

The fruiting bodies appear mainly from July to November, more rarely a little earlier.


The purple-felted wood knight occurs in Australia, Central America, in Asia from Asia Minor and the Caucasus to Japan and Korea, in North America, North Africa and the Canary Islands. In Europe it is represented from the Mediterranean region to the 69th parallel in Norway and Finland. In Germany, the species that benefits from forestry cultivation of spruce and pine is widespread to common everywhere.


The purple felted wood knight is edible, but rather unsuitable as an edible mushroom due to its dull taste. Young specimens in small quantities are most suitable for consumption. As a deadwood colonist, it plays no role in forestry.



Individual evidence

  1. Ewald Gerhardt: FSVO manual mushrooms . 3. Edition. BLV, Munich 2002, ISBN 978-3-405-14737-2 (639 pages; one-volume new edition of the BLV intensive guide mushrooms 1 and 2).

Web links

Commons : Tricholomopsis rutilans  - album with pictures, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Purple felted wood knight  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations