Rüdiger Sagel

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Rüdiger Sagel (2007)

Rüdiger Sagel (born August 9, 1955 in Lünen ) is a German politician . From 1998 to 2012, until June 2007 as a member of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , he was a member of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia . Moved to Die Linke in 2007 , after the party's failed entry into the state parliament from June 2012 to June 2014, he was state spokesman for the Left in North Rhine-Westphalia alongside Gunhild Böth . In the local elections on May 25, 2014, Sagel ran as the top candidate of the Left Party for the council of the independent city of Münster. He was elected chairman of the four-member parliamentary group.


After school, which he spent from 1968 to 1970 at the German school in Rourkela in the Indian state of Orissa (today Odisha ), Sagel graduated from high school in 1975 in Lünen and, after a one-year internship, studied mining at Clausthal University and RWTH Aachen University . In 1983 he graduated with a degree in engineering .

In the next two years, he was managing the citizens' initiative Hambach group in Aachen that against the brown coal mine Hambach at Hambach Forest committed. Until 1987 Sagel worked for the German Project Union in Essen . In 1988 Sagel spent in Nicaragua , where he carried out project work as part of the literacy campaign in Rama and the restoration of the Casa de los tres mundos cultural project in Granada. He then traveled to several Central and South American countries, in particular the Amazon region in Brazil.

After his return to Germany, Sagel was the project manager of the company social work working group and from 1995 to 1998 he worked in the constituency office of Winfried Nachtwei, Member of the Green Parliament .


Since the founding of the party Die Grünen in 1980 he supported the political work of the party. In 1980 he got involved in the federal election campaign for the then NRW top candidate Joseph Beuys . After the Greens entered the Bundestag in 1983, on behalf of the parliamentary group, he worked out a study against lignite mining and for an energy transition in Germany. After returning from Central and South America (1987–1989), he joined the Greens in 1989. In the following two years he was a board member of GAL / GRÜNE in the Münster city association, until 1994 in the Münster district association. From 1993 Sagel was also a member of the state party council of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen. Between 1994 and 1999 he was a member of the Münster City Council. Since 2003 he was also a member of the state council of the Greens, but failed in 2006 with his candidacy for the party council . From 1998 Sagel sat in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia , where he was the budgetary and financial policy spokesman for the Green parliamentary group.

On June 15, 2007 Sagel resigned from the parliamentary group of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, but continued to belong to the parliament as a non-attached member. At the same time, he announced that he was leaving the Alliance 90 / The Greens party. On June 16, 2007, he attended the party convention of Die Linke in Berlin as a guest . On October 23, 2007, he announced that he had joined the Left Party. In the federal elections in 2009 Sagel ran in the federal constituency Hochsauerlandkreis and achieved 6.2% for Die Linke. In the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2010 , he ran for the direct mandate in the Münster I constituency . He entered the state parliament via the state list of the party Die Linke. At the constituent meeting of his parliamentary group on May 11, 2010, Sagel and Carolin Butterwegge were elected deputy chairmen. In the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2012 , he ran for the direct mandate in the Münster II constituency , but not on the state list. The Left Party failed to return to the state parliament in the election. Sagel himself achieved 2.3 percent of the votes in the constituency and thus left the state parliament in May 2012.

In 2009, Sagel commissioned a historical study in which the repressed Nazi past of CDU and FDP members in North Rhine-Westphalia after 1945 was examined. Sagel is a member of ver.di and the GGUA (non-profit association for the support of asylum seekers).

In November 2013, Sagel went public with the demand to rename St. Martin's Day "Sun-Moon-and-Star Festival" and the story of St. Martin will no longer be the focus of attention in the future, as he positioned himself for the strict separation of state and religion and saw the celebration of Martin's Day in day-care centers as a contradiction to the neutral upbringing of children. The proposal met with widespread rejection, including that of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany . The Left in North Rhine-Westphalia distanced itself from the demands of its chairman. On November 29, 2019, Sagel announced his resignation from the Left Party and from the council group. He justified this with the fact that “future-oriented democratic politics” was not possible and that the left in Münster and in North Rhine-Westphalia were pursuing a “GDR program”.


  • Problem outline lignite , ed. v. of the parliamentary group The Greens, Bonn 1983/84.
  • Burned home , (Alano-Verlag) Aachen 1985.
  • Alternative waste management concept for the Unna district , ed. v. The Greens, Unna 1984.
  • Outline of the hard coal problem , Die Grünen NRW, Düsseldorf 1984.
  • Social compatibility of resettlement in the Rhenish lignite district , ed. v. NRW Ministry of the Environment, Düsseldorf 1987.
  • 60 Years of the Landtag: The Forgotten Brown Legacy , ed. by Rüdiger Sagel, Münster 2009.

Web links

Commons : Rüdiger Sagel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. sueddeutsche.de of May 14, 2010
  2. Left sparked a dispute over Sankt Martin in NRW , Domradio from November 5th, 2013: "Sun-Moon-and-Star-Festival" - An interview with Rüdiger Sagel.
  3. Left ignites a dispute over Sankt Martin in NRW , Die Welt, November 5, 2013; Berliner Zeitung , November 7, 2013, p. 7 according to epd .
  4. Left Party: Sagel hits the sack , The Anabaptists, November 30, 2019