Rachel Podger

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Rachel Podger (born May 1968 in England ) is a British violinist .


Rachel Podger came to Germany at the age of eight as the daughter of an English father and a German mother. In Kassel she attended the Waldorf School . Already there she confronted the violin teacher, who is anchored in the traditional romantic tradition, with an imitated baroque sense of style that she had stolen from her father. At the age of 19 she attended the renowned Guildhall School of Music and Drama . There she first studied classical violin with David Takeno and Pauline Scott , later baroque violin with Micaela Comberti (1952–2003).

From 1997 to 2002 Rachel Podger was concertmaster in The English Concert , led by Trevor Pinnock , with whom she also made numerous appearances as a soloist. Since 2004 she has played regularly with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment . During her time in London she co-founded two baroque ensembles, the Ensemble Florilegium and The Palladian Ensemble, in which she participated for about 10 years. With the baroque specialist Andrew Manze , she performed chamber music as well as double concerts by Johann Sebastian Bach and Giuseppe Torelli . Concert tours as a soloist took her through Europe and America as well as to Korea and Japan; Podger was guest conductor in Poland with the ensemble “Arte dei Suonatori”, with “Musica Angelica” in the USA and with the ensemble “Santa Fe Pro Musica”.

Rachel Podger has been a professor at her former training center in London since 1995, and in September 2008 she took over the newly established “Micaela Comberti Chair” for baroque violin at the Royal Academy of Music . She was a guest lecturer for baroque violin at the University of the Arts in Bremen and regularly holds master classes, such as at the summer academy in Innsbruck.

Rachel Podger plays a violin from 1739 that is attributed to a violin maker named Pesarini. Since 2009 she has also played the Stradivarius "Crespi" (1699), which was loaned to her by the Royal Academy of Music . The instrument has a modern, narrower neck, but a re-baroque fretboard. The tenor Julian Podger is the two years older brother.


Podger has received numerous awards for her recordings for many years. In 2004/05 she made a complete recording of the Mozart violin sonatas with harpsichordist Gary Cooper . Rachel Podger's first solo recordings were released in 1999 with Bach's solo sonatas and partitas. In 2001 Bach's sonatas for violin and harpsichord followed, recorded with Trevor Pinnock . She received the Diapason d'or (golden tuning fork) for Telemann's solo sonatas (2002). A year later the twelve violin concertos, Op. 4 La Stravaganza by Vivaldi . In 2010 she recorded Bach's violin concertos with the ensemble “Brecon Baroque”, which she founded in her hometown of Brecon . In 2015 she recorded Biber's Rosary Sonatas , for which she received one of the Gramophone Classical Music Awards the following year .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. CV on the website of your agency (in English)
  2. https://www.violinist.com/blog/laurie/20155/16763/
  3. The ensemble on the site of Rachel Podger (English)
  4. Gramophone award 2016