Rada Biller

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Rada Biller ( Russian Рада Биллер , as Russian Раиса Чахмахчева Raissa Tschachmachtschewa , English Raissa Tchakhmakhtcheva , born 1930/1931 in Baku , Azerbaijani SSR , Soviet Union ; died on September 10, 2019 in Hamburg ) was a German Russian business writer . She wrote prose in her written Russian language .


Raissa Tschachmachtschewa was born in Baku in 1930/1931 to a Jewish mother and an Armenian father and moved with the family to Moscow in 1937. During the "Great Patriotic War" she lived in Bashkiria and Stalingrad. After the Second World War, she studied economic geography at Lomonossow University in Moscow and then worked as a geographer and economist. She met Semjon-Jevsej Biller (born 1931 in Kunzewo near Moscow; died in July 2017 in Hamburg), whose parents came from Bohemia . In December 1954 she gave birth to her daughter Elena in Moscow .

In the 1950s the family left the Soviet Union and moved to Prague. There she gave birth to her son Maxim Biller in August 1960 .

Around two years after the crackdown on the Prague Spring , the Biller family emigrated to Hamburg because in 1970 the husband got a job as a translator and interpreter there. There she conducted research at the Institute for Foreign Trade and Overseas Economics at the University of Hamburg and wrote several scientific monographs as Raissa Tchakhmakhtcheva .

As early as the 1960s, she began to write prose sketches, short stories and memoirs in her native Russian. She made her debut as a writer at the age of around 72 with the autobiographical novel Melonenschale , which was published in 2003 by Berlin Verlag . The second edition came in 2005 from Piper Verlag in the book trade. In 2007, the novel Lina and the others followed, and in 2011, the short story volume My Seven Names and Me . Rada Biller was a long-time member of the Hamburg Jewish Community .

Rada Biller died at the age of 88 in Hamburg, where she lived for five decades. The burial took place in the New Jewish Cemetery in Prague , where the husband Semjon-Jevsej Biller was buried in the summer of 2017.


  • Melon peel. Life stories of Lea T. Autobiographical novel. Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2003, ISBN 978-3-8270-0359-1 ; second edition: Piper Verlag , Berlin 2005, ISBN 978-3-8333-0299-2 .
    • in Russian: Arbuznaja korka . Avtobiografičeskij novel. (Арбузная корка). Izdat. Ol'ga Krylova, Praga 2012.
    • in Czech: Melounová slupka . Autobiografický román. Novela bohemica, Prague 2013.
  • Lina and the others . Novel. Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-8270-0703-2 .
  • My seven names and me . Stories. Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-8270-0990-6 .


as Raissa Tchakhmakhtcheva / Raisa Čachmachčeva
  • with Andreas Wass von Czege: The Soviet foreign trade bureaucracy. Structure, decision-making process, behavior . Lucius & Lucius , Stuttgart 1997 - second edition; Gustav Fischer Verlag , Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 978-3-437-40123-7
  • with Andreas Wass von Czege: Organizational Behavioral Determinants of the Soviet Foreign Trade Authorities . Institute for Foreign Trade and Overseas Economics of the University of Hamburg, Hamburg 1979, DNB 810368528
  • Communication system and decision-making behavior in Soviet western trade. The foreign trade decision-making process as a behavioral determinant . Hamburg 1980, DNB 550567526
  • as co-author: Decision-making processes in socialist economic bureaucrats in interactions with countries with a market economy . Institute for Foreign Trade and Overseas Economics of the University of Hamburg, Hamburg 1981, DNB 820539198
  • with Andreas Wass von Czege: Reforms in the Soviet foreign trade organization. Goals, starting points and problems . Institute for Foreign Trade and Overseas Economics of the University of Hamburg, Hamburg 1981, DNB 820031496

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Iva Dvořáková: From the inside ... from a child's kaleidoscope to a grown - up-s “zoom”. In: Eastern Partnership Literary Review 2015/1. Comenius University Bratislava , September 24, 2015, accessed on September 4, 2016 (English).
  2. ^ Tanya Lieske: On the death of the author Rada Biller - A biography of the century, from which literature became: Andrian Kreye in conversation. In: Deutschlandfunk . September 12, 2019, accessed April 6, 2020 .
  3. Zdenko Pavelka: Védomé se snažím neztratit identitu, Rika spisovatelka Rada Biller. In: Novinky.cz. July 7, 2011, accessed October 24, 2016 (Czech).
  4. Maxim Biller. (Beginning of article). In: Munzinger archive . Retrieved September 5, 2016 .
  5. ^ Writer Rada Biller died at the age of 88. Hamburger Abendblatt , September 11, 2019, accessed on September 22, 2019 .
  6. Maxim Biller : Kaddish for my father. Die Zeit , August 16, 2017, accessed on September 22, 2019 .