Raimondo Inconis

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Raimondo Inconis (born March 27, 1959 in San Gavino Monreale ) is an Italian bassoonist and university teacher .


childhood and education

Inconis was born in San Gavino Monreale , Sardinia , the son of a fireworks factory owner. From the age of six he received lessons in music theory and piano . At the age of 15 Inconis enrolled at the "Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina" Music Academy in Cagliari . In 1981 Inconis completed his bassoon studies with honors from Orlando Pittau.

study abroad

In 1978 Inconis won a scholarship for the master’s course with Iwein D'Haese at the Académie Internationale d'Eté in Saint-Hubert, Belgium .

From 1979 to 1980 he attended the graduate school at the Académie Internationale d'Eté in Nice with Michel Denize and was awarded a scholarship for his sonic, technical and expressive talents. During the course he was selected to play with the Orchester de Chambre de Paris under Jean-Claude Montac . Also in 1980 he was offered a scholarship from the JMC Orford Arts Center Canada Magog and another from the Center Musical Internationale d'Annecy .

In 1982 Inconis began studying with the Vienna Philharmonic Karl Öhlberger; here he was immediately selected to play the bassoon at the International Chamber Music and Orchestra Week. In 1983 he received a scholarship for the Internationaal Muziekkamp, ​​Jeugd en Muziek van België, where he was engaged as a bassoonist in the orchestra of the music camp. In 1984 he played with the International Chamber Orchestra in Rovinj , Poreč and Koper .


Inconis was briefly active with various European orchestras in Germany , Belgium , Austria , France and Sweden . From 1979 to July 1984 he played as first and second bassoonist with the Opera-Symphony Cagliari . In September 1984 he began his career as a contrabassoonist with the Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana and has been committed to improving this instrument ever since. In 1994, for example, he wrote the book "Das Kontrafagott - Geschichte und Technik" published by Casa Ricordi ( Il Controfagotto Storia e Tecnica Ricordi ER 3008 / ISMN 979-0-041-83008-7 (search in the DNB portal) ).

Parallel to his orchestral activities, Inconis completed masterclasses at home and abroad and is an external examiner on the examination board of several conservatories and a jury member at international competitions. Inconis has performed in the major concert halls of the world: Tokyo , Osaka , Nagoya , Prague , Turin , Milan , Naples , Beijing , Venice , Taormina , Oslo , Nice .

After an accident in 2009, Inconis was forced to give up his orchestral work, but continued his work of popularization and knowledge of the contrabassoon.

Awards, recognitions and dedications

During his career, Inconis has received numerous awards, recognitions and dedications:

  • In 1979 the composer Camillo Moser dedicated a (flash) concerto for bassoon and piano to him.
  • 1984: Awarded the Orkestar diploma from the Association of Jeunesses Musicales in Grožnjan .
  • In 1984 the composer Nenad Firšt dedicated a concert piece for bassoon “Pezzo Rusticano per fagotto Solo” to him, which was then broadcast live on television in July of the same year.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Inconis, Raimondo . In: Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana . Retrieved November 19, 2017 (Italian).
  2. ^ Website of the works of Nenad Firšt , world premiere: July 21, 1984 - Grožnjan. Retrieved November 19, 2017.