Rainer Bartel (Author)

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Rainer Bartel (born November 10, 1952 in Düsseldorf ) is a publicist in the fields of application software , marketing and online PR .

Rainer Bartel, portrait from July 2013


Bartel completed his schooling in 1971 at the Leibniz Gymnasium (Düsseldorf) with the Abitur . From 1971 to 1976 he studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy and then German at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. He finished his studies with the first state examination for the teaching post secondary level II .

Professional background

Bartel was already working part-time as a journalist during his studies . After working for a Düsseldorf PR agency , he became editor-in-chief of the computer magazine Data Welt in 1984 . From this object he developed the magazine PC Praxis , published until February 2014, in 1987 , and headed the editorial department until the end of 1988. During this phase, Bartel also wrote around 50 books on various computer topics, which were published by Data Becker and Sybex . Between 1989 and 1999 Bartel worked as a freelance PR consultant , copywriter , trainer and lecturer on various IT topics and wrote around 20 other non-fiction books.

In 1999 he joined the Trimedia PR agency in Düsseldorf , where he was temporarily responsible for IT. Positions at other agencies followed until mid-2007. Bartel has been working as a freelance journalist , book author , consultant , speaker and lecturer in Düsseldorf since 2007 .


In the past few years the following titles by Bartel have appeared:

  • Just start with Facebook . Data Becker, Düsseldorf 2011, ISBN 978-3-8158-3106-9 .
  • The great social media & online PR bible . Data Becker, Düsseldorf 2011, ISBN 978-3-8158-3082-6 .
  • Everything you need to know about Facebook . Data Becker, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-8158-3066-6 .
  • Tried and tested recipes for a successful website . Data Becker, Düsseldorf 2009, ISBN 978-3-8158-3038-3 .
  • Successful online PR: more sales success through professional public relations on the web - for self-employed, small and medium-sized companies . Data Becker, Düsseldorf 2009, ISBN 978-3-8158-2965-3 .

Web links