Ramez Tebet

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Senator Ramez Tebet

Ramez Tebet (* 7. November 1936 in Três Lagoas ; † 17th November 2006 in Campo Grande ) was a Brazilian lawyer , politician , governor of Mato Grosso do Sul , Minister and President of the Federal Senate (Senado Federal).


The son of Lebanese immigrants completed a law degree at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), from which he graduated in 1959 . From 1961 to 1964 he was a public prosecutor in his hometown Três Lagoas before he worked as a lawyer .

He began his political career on May 2, 1975 when he was appointed Prefect of Três Lagoas. As such, he was particularly committed to the construction of infrastructure facilities and high schools. Following this activity, he became State Secretary for Justice of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul on August 5, 1978 . In the following year he became a member of the Legislative Assembly (Assembleia Legislativa de Mato Grosso do Sul) and in this position was instrumental in the creation of the first constitution of the state. On March 15, 1983, he was elected lieutenant governor of the state, which was one of the first elections during the military dictatorship . On March 14, 1986, he became the incumbent governor of Mato Grosso do Sul after the previous incumbent Wilson Barbosa Martins resigned to run for the Senate. After Barosa Martin's regular four-year term had expired, Tebet handed over the office of governor to Marcelo Miranda Soares on March 15, 1987 . Tebet himself took over the office of superintendent of the Midwest Region (Região Centro-Oeste) until 1989 , which consists of the capital district ( Distrito Federal do Brasil ) and the three states of Goiás , Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul.

In 1994 Tebet, a member of the Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (PMDB), was elected a member of the Federal Senate for the first time as a representative of his home state. During that time he was chairman of the committee of inquiry and the council on ethics and honor. During this time, the investigations into abuse of power and corruption in projects of the Superintendent for the Development of the Amazon ( SUDAM ) fell, which led to investigations against Senator Luís Estêvão and the resignation or dismissal of Senate President Antônio Carlos Magalhães and Senators Jader Barbalho and José Roberto Arruda.

In June 2001 he was appointed Minister for National Integration by President Fernando Henrique Cardoso in his government. However, he only held this office for three months, since he was elected President of the Bundessenat in September 2001 to succeed Edison Lobão. As such, he was in office until February 1, 2003, when he was replaced by former President José Sarney .

At the end of 2002 he was re-elected Senator with the highest number of votes of any politician from Mato Grosso do Sul. During his second election period, he was a member of the Senate Committees for Constitutional Affairs, Justice and Economic Affairs, and as such was instrumental in reforming the judiciary in the years that followed, as well as being the author of the new Bankruptcy Act (Lei de Falências).

On November 17, 2006 he died after suffering from cancer for many years .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ List of Governors of Brazil