Ratpert from St. Gallen

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Ratpert von St. Gallen (* around 855; † 25 October around 911 in St. Gallen ) was a scholar, chronicler and poet who wrote in Middle Latin and Old High German in the St. Gallen monastery .


Ratpert probably came to the St. Gallen monastery as a child through oblation . He attended the inner St. Gallen monastery school , whose pupils were trained for the monastic class, whereas the pupils of the outer monastery school were prepared for their later duties as secular clerics . His classmates in the inner school included his later co-conventuals Notker Balbulus and Tuotilo , who were closely related to him, and in the outer school, the later Bishop of Constance and Abbot of St. Gallen Salomon III , who was in a certain competitive relationship with them . Her teachers were Iso and the Irish Moengal, who had come as a pilgrim to the grave of their compatriot Gallus together with his uncle Marcus, an Irish traveling bishop . After his uncle moved on, Moengal stayed in St. Gallen and entered the monastery, where the monks renamed him Marcellus, little Marcus, after his uncle. Ratpert took his monastic vows around the year 873. For the first time, in a tangible way, he appeared as the writer of a document dated May 29, 876. He was then a teacher at the convent school himself for many years. The last time he can be proven as a writer on February 10, 902. The exact year of Ratpert's death is not known and is put by the more recent research around the year 911. On the other hand, the exact date of his death is certain with October 25th, since his name is recorded in the St. Gallen Book of the Dead under this date.


In addition to his office as St. Gallen schoolmaster and his activity as a document writer, Ratpert devoted himself to writing poems and a chronicle about the history of the Gallus Abbey. Most of his poems have not survived today. His oeuvre includes the All Saints litany Ardua spes mundi (“Sublime hope, you, for the world”), the Eucharistic song Laudes, omnipotens, ferimus (“Praise, you almighty, we bring”), an Old High German song of Gallus and his monastery chronicle Casus sancti Galli . This historical work was continued in the 11th century by Ekkehard IV , who was also head of the St. Gallen monastery school. Ratpert's original Old High German version of his Galluslied only exists today in Latin translations, which also come from the pen of Ekkehard IV.


  • Ratperti casus s. Galli , ed. v. Gerold Meyer von Knonau (= St. Gallen historical sources , volume 2 = communications on patriotic history , volume 13), St. Gallen 1872.
  • Peter Osterwalder: The Old High German Galluslied Ratpert and its Latin translations by Ekkehart IV .: Classification and critical edition (= The Old High German of St. Gallen , Volume 6), de Gruyter, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-11-008720-0 .
  • Ratpert, St. Galler Klostergeschichte (Casus sancti Galli) , ed. and translated by Hannes Steiner (= Monumenta Germaniae Historica , Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi , Volume 75), Hahn, Hanover 2002, ISBN 3-7752-5475-7 ( digitized version )


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hannes Steiner: Ratpert. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. Peter Stotz: Ardua spes mundi. Studies on Latin poems from Sankt Gallen (= spirit and work of the times. Works from the History Department of the University of Zurich , Volume 32), Herbert Lang, Bern 1972, ISBN 3-261-00431-2 , p. 16.
  3. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Necrologia Germaniae , Volume 1: Dioeceses Augustensis, Constantiensis, Curiensis , ed. by Franz Ludwig Baumann , 1866/68, reprint 1983, ISBN 3-88612-004-X , p. 483.
  4. ^ Edition and German translation in: Peter Stotz: Ardua spes mundi. Studies on Latin poems from Sankt Gallen (= Spirit and Work of the Times. Works from the History Department of the University of Zurich , Volume 32), Herbert Lang, Bern 1972, ISBN 3-261-00431-2 , pp. 36–41.
  5. ^ Edition and German translation in: Peter Stotz: Ardua spes mundi. Studies on Latin poems from Sankt Gallen (= spirit and work of the times. Works from the History Department of the University of Zurich , Volume 32), Herbert Lang, Bern 1972, ISBN 3-261-00431-2 , pp. 73–74