Reformed Church Sevelen

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The Reformed Church Sevelen is a Protestant - Reformed church in Sevelen in the canton of St. Gallen . The building is a cantonal monument .



The original church was under the patronage of John the Baptist . The choir was built in the 12th and 13th centuries in the Gothic style.

In the year 1235 a people priest is attested for Sevelen. The right of collision lay with the monastery of St. Lucius in Chur before it passed to the Lords of Werdenberg . When the Werdenbergers rose against Glarus in 1515 , the pastor at the time was a driving force behind the rebellion. He was imprisoned in Werdenberg Castle . From 1517 on, the Glarus estate had the right to occupy the pastorate for the following centuries . In 1803 this right passed to the government of the newly created Canton of St. Gallen. Since 1814, the parish has been able to elect the pastor itself through its assembly.


Sevelen joined the Reformation early on . During the peasant uprising of 1525, the Sevelers sympathized with the left wing of the Reformation. In this context they tried to shake off the Glarus suzerainty, but failed. After the Bern disputation of 1528 and under the influence of the Glarus gentlemen, Sevelen finally declared himself in a vote of the new faith in 1532.

Modern times

The Seveler village school owes itself to the work of the church. In the 17th century the pastors were also teachers. In 1720 a total of 3 teachers taught.

In the 18th century , pietistic influences came to Sevelen through young men who had done military service as mercenaries in Dutch colonies . As a result, Bible studies and missionary lectures were held in the parsonage adjacent to the church in the mid-19th century. A women's association for voluntary poor relief emerged and was re-established in 1944. It still exists today (as of 2012) as a nursing association.

On March 25, 1892, a village fire broke out on a night of foehn , which destroyed 76 houses and the church. The choir remained undamaged, but the nave was rebuilt on a larger scale and provided with stronger foundations. In the course of the new building, an organ was installed in the gallery .

In 1997–98 the church was extensively restored.

In 2009 the 86-year-old steel bell cage was replaced by a larch wood construction . An additional, smaller bell was added to the four existing bells. The vocal pattern of the bells was softened by new clappers.

Web links

Commons : Reformed Church (Sevelen, Switzerland)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 7 '17 "  N , 9 ° 29' 8.7"  E ; CH1903:  755328  /  220960