District President (Switzerland)

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In Switzerland , the district president heads a cantonal government . Different titles are President of the Council of State in the cantons of Friborg , Geneva , Neuchâtel , Ticino , Vaud and Wallis and Landammann in the cantons of Aargau , Appenzell Innerrhoden , Appenzell Ausserrhoden , Glarus , Nidwalden , Obwalden , Solothurn , Schwyz , Uri and Zug . In the canton of Lucerne , the name was Schultheiss until 2008 .

In the cantons of Basel-Stadt , Vaud and Geneva, the constitutions have been changed in recent years so that the regional council is occupied by the same member of government for an entire legislative period. In some cases, the regional councils were also given certain additional powers. In all other cantons, the regional councils are only elected for one or a maximum of two years.