Reimer Hansen (local history researcher)

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Reimer Heinrich Hansen (born January 29, 1853 in Wellinghusen , † October 2, 1926 in Bad Oldesloe ) was a German teacher, historian and local researcher.


Hansen attended elementary school from 1859 and from 1869 the Meldorfer scholar school. After passing the school leaving examination in February 1872, he went to the University of Kiel , where he studied philology and history . Although he would have liked to pursue an academic career, he began to prepare for the senior teacher examination in the sixth semester. On March 21, 1876 he received his doctorate with the thesis De gentibus in Ponto orientali inde a Thermodonte fluvio ad Phasim usque habitantibus ; on July 15 of the same year he passed the state examination for the subjects Latin, Greek, history, geography, philosophical propaedeutics and Hebrew for all classes. He then went to Mühlhausen as a trial candidate at the high school, where he also worked as an assistant teacher. At Easter 1878 he moved to the grammar school in Sondershausen as a senior teacher and in autumn 1883 to the Realprogymnasium (later Real and Oberrealschule) in Oldesloe, where he taught until he left on October 1, 1920.

In the course of his life, Hansen wrote numerous papers and essays in the field of classical philology and the history of Schleswig-Holstein in addition to his professional work . Reimer-Hansen-Straße in Bad Oldesloe is named after him.

Work (excerpt)

See also the list of publications listed in the obituary by Volquart Pauls (below under literature).

  • History of the city of Itzehoe , Itzehoe 1910.
  • Contributions to the history and geography of North Friesland in the Middle Ages , in: Journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History (ZSHG) , Vol. 24 (1894), pp. 1–92.
  • On the topography and history of Dithmarschen , in: ZSHG , Vol. 27 (1897), pp. 191–316.
  • On the history of the settlement of Dithmarschen , in: ZSHG , Bd. 33 (1903), pp. 113–188.
  • Old place names of the Cimbrian peninsula as an indication of the tribal affiliation of the inhabitants , in: Die Heimat , Vol. 13 (1903), pp. 97-102.
  • The foundation of the Itzehoe monastery , in: ZSHG , Bd. 39 (1909), pp. 253-262.
  • On the eleven hundredth anniversary of Itzehoe , in: Die Heimat , Vol. 20 (1910), pp. 55–59.
  • Comment on Detlef Detlefsen : The beginnings of Itzehoe , in: ZSHG , Bd. 40 (1910), pp. 325–337 / 339.
  • Obituary for Detlef Detlefsen: Privy Councilor Professor Dr. Detlef Detlefsen , in: Die Heimat , Vol. 22 (1912), pp. 161–165.
  • Obituary for Detlef Detlefsen: Go. Councilor Professor Dr. Detlef Detlefsen, † June 21, 1911 , in: ZSHG , Vol. 43 (1913), pp. 411–414 and list of publications pp. 414–418.
  • The first Schauenburger in Holstein , in: Die Heimat , Vol. 21 (1911), pp. 29–37.
  • Brief Schleswig-Holstein regional history. Huwaldsche Buchhandlung, Flensburg 1912 OCLC 634891674 .
  • Itzehoe's coat of arms , in: Die Heimat , Vol. 22 (1912), p. 103.
  • Georg Waitz , in: Die Heimat , Vol. 23 (1913), pp. 265–268.
  • On the history of the council constitution of the Holstein cities with Lübschem law , in: Die Heimat , vol. 29 (1919), pp. 145–148 u. 161-165.
  • History of the city of Itzehoe , in: Heimatbuch-Kommission (Hrsg.), Heimatbuch des Kreis Steinburg , Vol. III, Glückstadt 1926, pp. 3-32.


  • GF Meyer: Professor Dr. Reimer Hansen, in: Die Heimat , Vol. 30 (1920), pp. 161-162 ( online ).
  • Volquart Pauls : Reimer Hansen † , in: ZSHG , Vol. 56 (1927), pp. 628–632 and list of publications pp. 633–639, ( online ).
  • Manfred Jessen-Klingenberg : writing history on behalf of the senior president. On the origin of Reimer Hansen's national history. In: ZSHG , Vol. 115 (1990), pp. 231-254 ( online )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Volquart Pauls: Reimer Hansen † , in: ZSHG , Vol. 56 (1927), pp. 628-632.