Reinhardtswalde (desert)

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Reinhardtswalde is a deserted area in the municipality of Arnsdorf in the Bautzen district , Saxony .


"The desert village meadows" still bear witness to the earlier village location in the 19th century.

The Reinhardtswalde desert is located in the southwest of the municipality of Arnsdorf and therefore in the extreme southwest of the Bautzen district. A few 100 meters west of the old village, the municipal external borders of Arnsdorf, Radeberg and Dresden meet at one point. The place of the desert is wooded and is located on the northwestern edge of the Karswald in the floodplain of a left tributary of the Schwarzen Röder . Surrounding, still existing settlements are the Arnsdorf district of Kleinwolmsdorf in the north, the Radeberg district of Großerkmannsdorf in the northwest with Kleinerkmannsdorf in the west and the Dresden district of Rossendorf in the southwest.


In the Middle Ages , the area between the present-day cities of Dresden and Bischofswerda was covered by the border forest between the Sorbian districts of Nisan and Milska , from which the Mark Meissen and Upper Lusatia developed. In addition to Dresdner Heide , Friedewald , Harthe , Landwehr , Massenei , Niederforst , Laußnitzer and Königsbrücker Heide , this forest also included the Karswald. As part of the German settlement in the east , clearing settlements were created in this area. According to its name, Reinhardtswalde was founded in a forest by a German locator named Reinhardt . The Waldhufendorf , whose founding is dated to the 13th century, was estimated to have an area of ​​300 to 400 hectares. In 1445 a place "uff dem Reniswalde" is mentioned in the documents, which in 1517 was called "uffm Renertzwalder". In 1551 the village was called "Reinhartswalde"; Among other things, it appears in 1819 as a "desert village". A small elevation in this area is called Kirchberg, possibly a branch church of the parish Kleinwolmsdorf stood there .

In the 1960s, extensive excavations took place in the desert, during which numerous medieval evidence came to light. In 1967 archaeologists uncovered several ovens. They were made of stones, had dome-shaped mud roofs and served the villagers as a community facility. The Mühldamm and several smaller dams that dammed the water of a stream can also be seen. About ravines Reinhardt Walde was with surrounding towns and the Bischofsweg connected. Furthermore, broken fragments speak for a settlement of the area up to the migration period .

There is evidence that Reinhardtswalde fell into desolation in the middle of the 15th century. In the course of the Hussite Wars , the village was completely destroyed. The residents were considered wealthy and made the place a preferred target for looting. In addition, Reinhardtswalde belonged to the diocese of Meißen , whose bishop had approved the execution of the reformer Jan Hus , which is considered to trigger the Hussite Wars. Despite resistance, the residents lost the battle for their village. The survivors decided against reconstruction and settled in the neighboring villages. The corridor was distributed to surrounding villages. Reinhardtswalde was the subject of several legends. At the old village site there is now a notice board about the desert.


  • Klaus Kroitzsch : Excavations on the deserted Reinhardtswalde near Kleinwolmsdorf, district of Dresden . Work and research reports on the preservation of monuments in Saxony. Vol. 20/21, 1976.
  • Friedrich Bernhard Störzner (Ed.): Reinhardtswalder saga booklet . In memory of the forest festival in the desert village of Reinhardswalde on June 15, 1924, published as a festive gift from Fr. Bernh. Störzner. Bookstore Otto Schmidt, Arnsdorf in Sachsen 1924 ( texts on Wikisource ).
  • Friedrich Bernhard Störzner : What the homeland tells . Legends, historical images and memorable events from Saxony. [Contributions to the Saxon. Folklore and local history]. I. Eastern Saxony. Verlag von Arwed Strauch, Leipzig 1904, 18. The desert village Reinhardtswalde , p. 52–56 (With drawings by Professor O. Seyffert and painter F. Rowland ).

Individual evidence

  1. Kleinwolmsdorf Church in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony
  2. ^ Forests in the Radeberger Land (Carswald). In: Archived from the original on June 6, 2008 ; Retrieved July 22, 2014 .
  3. Friedrich Bernhard Störzner: What the home tells . Legends, historical images and memorable events from Saxony. Contributions to Saxon folklore and local history. Verlag Arwed Strauch, Leipzig 1904, 18. The desert village of Reinhardtswalde , p. 52-56 .

Web links

Wikisource: Reinhardtswalde (Wüstung)  - Sources and full texts

Coordinates: 51 ° 4 ′ 28 "  N , 13 ° 57 ′ 30"  E