Reinhold Röttger

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Reinhold Röttger (born November 13, 1930 in Münster , Westphalia ; † January 20, 2020 ) was a German director and theater director .


Reinhold Röttger received his artistic training at the Folkwang University in Essen . In 1962 he came to the Osnabrück Theater as an actor, assistant director and evening director . From 1968 to 1973 he was the director of the theater in Aachen . From 1974 to 1982 Röttger was employed as a senior director and in-house director at Theater Hof . He then moved to the Lüneburg Theater as senior director and deputy director for three years . In 1985 he returned to Theater Hof as artistic director and held this position there until 1995.

During his ten years as artistic director at Theater Hof, he also appeared there regularly as a director with his own productions. One of his most important directing work was a Nabucco production at the beginning of the 1984/85 season, where he presented a directing concept that aimed at "clarity and comprehensibility". When designing his repertoire, he focused primarily on the classical opera and operetta repertoire, but also included modern and contemporary pieces in the program. Under his directorship, each season was opened with a new production of an opera as an innovation. In 1986 he engaged the director Edmund Gleede , who is known for his provocative productions , who presented a controversial production of the Strauss operetta The Gypsy Baron at the Theater Hof . Röttger campaigned intensively for the new building of the Hof Theater and put the Hof theater into operation all year round, which meant that the artists received their fees throughout the summer break.

At the end of the 1994/95 season, Röttger retired. His farewell productions included Ariadne auf Naxos and Faust , in which he himself appeared in the roles of “Theater Director” and “God the Father”. He was made an honorary member of the Theater Hof.

From the 1995/96 season he worked for two seasons until 1997 as interim director at the Landestheater Coburg . In the same position he was director of the Mainfranken Theater in Würzburg from 2001 to 2004 . In 2002 he engaged Katharina Wagner for her first own opera production, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg , in Würzburg. For the 2003/04 season he also presented a repertoire for which he was responsible, in which, in addition to works such as Nabucco , Idomeneo , Don Pasquale and Martha , which were considered “safe” by the audience , he also performed the rarely performed Puccini opera La rondine and scheduled a Stolz operetta.

In 1990 he was awarded the Medal of Honor of the District of Upper Franconia for his artistic merits .

Röttger, who enjoyed swimming and cycling in his free time , was the father of two children. He had a daughter (* 1969) and a son (* 1977). Röttger lived at court in Leupoldsgrün . He died in January 2020 at the age of 89.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Dr. Reinhold Röttger . Personal data. Entry at Club Carriere. Retrieved January 29, 2020.
  2. a b c d Reinhold Röttger . Obituary notice. Retrieved January 29, 2020.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j Theater Hof mourns former artistic directors - Reinhold Röttger dies . Obituary. from January 24, 2020. Retrieved January 29, 2020.
  4. Rudolf Stöckl: Hearty. Verdi's “Nabucco” in Hof . Opera criticism. In: Opera world . January 1985 edition, page 44/45.
  5. ^ A b Tidying up in Würzburg: Ex-Theater-Hof-Intendant Reinhold Röttger took on a new task . In: Frankenpost from July 7, 2001. Retrieved January 29, 2020.
  6. OPERA: Princess in the Province . In: DER SPIEGEL of September 16, 2002. Retrieved January 29, 2020.
  7. ^ Point of view: A game plan for Würzburg . In: Main-Post dated December 18, 2002. Retrieved January 29, 2020.