Renouveau français

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Renouveau français ( RF ) ('French resurgence') is a small nationalist and right-wing extremist party in France . She sees herself as “French nationalist”, “ counter-revolutionary ” and “ Catholic- inspired”. It stands in the tradition of the French right, which refers to the tradition of the Catholic French monarchy; the achievements of the French Revolution such as liberalism , secularism and parliamentary democracy are rejected. Her emblem is a stylized lily ( fleur-de-lis ). The party, which has a few hundred members, was founded in November 2005 and brings together citizens from various movements of the nationalist right.

Renouveau français “strives for a nationalist, Christian and social state”. Its strategic direction is primarily aimed at the training of young people, for whom it organizes conferences and training courses. For the presidential elections in 2007 she called on her supporters to elect Jean-Marie Le Pen , but fundamentally questioned French democracy and the electoral system. On the occasion of the election of a successor to the head of the Front National in January 2011, the group stood up for Bruno Gollnisch and against the ultimately successful Marine Le Pen , who was perceived as too moderate and too democratic. Due to the reorientation of the party's content, Renouveau français increasingly moved away from the Front National. The party advocates a "Europe of Fatherlands" on a Christian basis and combats Muslim immigration. For this reason, she also supports the Fraternité franco-sbe association , which fights for the interests of the Serbian population in Kosovo and against its independence. In 2012 she became a member of the newly founded Union de la droite nationale .

Together with other right-wing extremist parties such as the National Democratic Party of Germany , the Greek Chrysi Avgi and the Romanian Noua Dreaptă , it forms the European National Front . The Renouveau français also regularly receives delegations from these foreign groups at their party conferences. In June 2007, representatives of the party in Bucharest took part in celebrations to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the fascist Iron Guard by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu , to which the Noua Dreaptă refers.

Individual evidence

  1. Site du Renouveau français - presentation