Revolutionary construction of Switzerland

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Logo of the Revolutionary Construction Switzerland

The Organization Revolutionary Construction Switzerland (RAS) and its offshoots Revolutionary Construction Zurich (RAZ), Revolutionary Construction Basel and Revolutionary Construction Winterthur are anti-capitalist- oriented Marxist-Leninist organizations in Switzerland .

One of the founding members and leading exponent is Andrea Stauffacher .

History and actions

In 1992 the Revolutionary Construction and Construction Sales were created . This is used to sell revolutionary literature.

In 2000, based on leaked intelligence documents and its own research, the group succeeded in unmasking the Munich Group 2 , which was presumably working for the Federal Intelligence Service , and the agent Manfred Schlickenrieder, who worked for them and infiltrated European social movements .

The RAS does not explicitly distance itself from paint bag attacks and explosives attacks with the help of converted fireworks. The attacks are aimed primarily at institutions and buildings with a symbolic character, such as B. banks , large corporations as well as state institutions such as police and judiciary .

The RAS advocates revolutionary struggles and its willingness to use violence is increasing according to the assessment of the Swiss federal authorities.

In February 2007, at the request of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office, house searches were carried out in the vicinity of the RAZ in connection with an operation by the Italian police against the Red Brigades .

Structure and structure

The organizational structure of the Revolutionary Construction is not known. The approximately 50 members of the RAS were already politically active in the 1970s and 1980s. Many contacts to the international left-wing extremist scene seem to have come about. Mainly to the Italian Red Brigades and the Belgian Cellules Communistes Combattantes .

Today the contacts of the RAZ with other left-wing extremist groups seem to be concentrated mainly in Germany , Italy , Belgium and Switzerland. The RAZ sets the tone in the RAS.

There are further offices in Bern (RABe) and Basel (RABa) and since October 2006 in Winterthur . There are also activities in Geneva , Lucerne , St. Gallen , Solothurn , Freiburg im Üechtland and Zug .

Various subgroups are allied with the RAS.

Action themes

The main focus of the RAS is peace policy , the Middle East conflict , globalization , imperialism , patriarchy , labor disputes, asylum and refugee systems, political prisoners, anti-fascism and the Kurdish question.

The aim of the RAS is a classless society .


Roter motorR 41, glued wall newspaper of the RAZ
  • Newspaper: "Aufbau" (since 1996; four issues / year)
  • Radio: “Rote Welle” on LoRa in Zurich; Sewer rat in Basel
  • A wall newspaper
  • Flyer: "Red Motor"


The General Secretariat of International Red Aid (IRH) is based in Zurich and is managed by the RAS.

According to the Swiss Federal Council , the RAS maintains contacts with the Reithalle Bern cultural center , the Lucerne groups REBELL and Phase 1 as well as the Subversive Circle of Friends and other groups in Ticino, Italy and Germany.


  • sbu .: The revolution does not take place. Class struggle slogans 1996 on Zurich's streets , in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), No. 137 of June 15, 1996, p. 55
  • "We want to change the world in a revolutionary way". What the “Revolutionary Construction” has to say in: NZZ, No. 265 of November 14, 1998, p. 55

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Documents and reports on this incident ( Memento of February 20, 2006 in the Internet Archive ); see also Unmasking on the Internet , FOCUS February 12, 2001; further reports in the Frankfurter Rundschau , Süddeutsche Zeitung and the taz of June 18, 2001 and in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of June 19, 2001
  2. ^ House search at Andrea Stauffacher's home. Contacts with New Red Brigades? , Neue Zürcher Zeitung, February 15, 2007
  3. Extremism report by the Swiss federal authorities (in compliance with Postulate 02.3059 of the Christian Democratic Group of March 14, 2002), accessed October 23, 2008 (PDF; 934 kB)