Richard Lauxmann

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Richard Lauxmann (born March 30, 1898 in Neulautern ; † January 11, 1959 in Tübingen ) was a German lawyer and president of the Deutsche Post Osten at the time of National Socialism .


Lauxmann, son of a pastor, attended a humanistic grammar school in Cannstatt . From the beginning of July 1916 he was used in the infantry during the First World War . After his discharge from the army as a lieutenant in the reserve in mid-May 1919, he worked in the Free Corps Sprösser. From May 1919 he studied law and graduated in 1924 with the second state examination. A year earlier he received his doctorate as Dr. jur. He then worked as a lawyer. At the beginning of August 1925 he joined the postal service in Stuttgart as an assessor and was employed as head of the post office in Friedrichshafen from 1930 to 1933 .

After the seizure of power by the Nazis , he was in early March 1933 member of the NSDAP ( member number 3227495) and was from 1933 to 1935 of SA on. From the beginning of March 1933 to April 1937, Lauxmann was busy organizing the postal service in Wehrkreiskommando V (Württemberg - Baden - Pfalz). He was then transferred to the Berlin Reich Ministry of Post and from September 1937 headed the Nuremberg Reich Postal Directorate as President. As of December 1937, Lauxmann was the personal assistant to the Reichspostminister Wilhelm Ohnesorge as Oberpostrat .

After the outbreak of the Second World War , Lauxmann was authorized representative of the Deutsche Reichspost at the Commander-in-Chief of the East. From the end of October 1939 to January 1945 Lauxmann was President of the German Post East in the Generalgouvernement . Until mid-January 1945 his official seat was Cracow , then Opole . From the beginning of February 1945 Lauxmann worked at the Königswald postal school near Tetschen-Bodenbach . Lauxmann achieved the rank of SS-Sturmbannführer within the SS (SS-No. 456.611) in June 1943 .

At the end of the 1950s, Lauxmann was President of the Tübingen Post Office.


  • Werner Präg / Wolfgang Jacobmeyer (eds.): The service diary of the German Governor General in Poland 1939–1945 . Publications of the Institute for Contemporary History , Sources and Representations on Contemporary History Volume 20, Stuttgart 1975, ISBN 3-421-01700-X , pp. 949f.

Web links

  • Lauxmann, Richard at Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online, aims at the "Administrative Handbook" (Joachim Lilla: Minister of State, senior administrative officials and (NS) functionaries in Bavaria 1918 to 1945 )

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ewald Lissberger, Württembergischer Geschichts- und Altertumsverein, Commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg: Württembergische Geschichtsliteratur , W. Kohlhammer, 1960, p. 65
  2. a b c Werner Präg / Wolfgang Jacobmeyer (ed.): The service diary of the German Governor General in Poland 1939-1945 , Stuttgart 1975, p. 949f.
  3. ^ Lauxmann, Richard at Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online
  4. Richard Lauxmann on