Rivière de la Corneille

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Rivière de la Corneille
Rivière de la Corneille Minganie 01.jpg
location Côte-Nord in Québec (Canada)
River system Rivière de la Corneille
source 50 km north of Baie-Johan-Beetz
50 ° 44 ′ 59 ″  N , 62 ° 56 ′ 15 ″  W
Source height 350  m
muzzle St. Lawrence Gulf Coordinates: 50 ° 17 ′ 4 "  N , 62 ° 53 ′ 50"  W 50 ° 17 ′ 4 "  N , 62 ° 53 ′ 50"  W
Mouth height m
Height difference 350 m
Bottom slope 4.5 ‰
length 77 km
Catchment area 559 km²
Drain MQ
16 m³ / s
Flowing lakes Lac du Vingt-Deuxième Mille
Rivière de la Corneille Minganie 02.jpg

The Rivière de la Corneille ( corneille French for carrion crow ) is a river in the administrative region of Côte-Nord in the Canadian province of Québec .

The Rivière de la Corneille rises in the MRC Minganie in the hinterland of the southern Labrador Peninsula . The river runs in a predominantly southerly direction through the Canadian Shield . There are several lakes and river widenings along the course of the river. On the lower reaches are the lakes Lac du Vingt-Deuxième Mille , Lac en Travers , Lac Ferland , Lac Turgeon and Lac Tanguay .

The river eventually flows 4km west of Baie-Johan-Beetz in between the d'Ile Anticosti and the Labrador Peninsula situated Jacques-Cartier Street . The Rivière de la Corneille has a length of 77 km. It drains an area of ​​559 km² and has an average discharge of 16 m³ / s. The catchment area borders on that of the Rivière Piashti to the east and that of the Rivière Romaine to the west .

The Route 138 crosses the Rivière de la Corneille shortly before its mouth.

The Rivière de la Corneille is the habitat of arctic char , Atlantic salmon , sea ​​trout and brook char . There is also a land-based population of Atlantic salmon in the river system.

A local tourism company offers fishing trips on the river in the summer months.

Web links

Commons : Rivière de la Corneille  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Bureau Audiences publiques sur l'environnement. (PDF; 103 kB)