Robert Haerdter

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Robert Haerdter (born May 15, 1907 in Mannheim ; died April 3, 1995 in Stuttgart ) was a German writer and journalist.


Haerdter was the son of the customs officer Georg August Haerdter (1880–1956) and Luise Wilhelmine, nee. Murgler (1876-1950). He first attended the secondary school in Mannheim and after moving to Reichenau in 1920 the secondary school in Constance . After graduating from high school in 1927, he studied law, cultural sociology and history in Berlin , Heidelberg and Vienna . In 1932 he did his doctorate under Arnold Bergstraesser in Heidelberg on business and politics and married in 1933.

From 1933 to 1934 he worked for the Vossische Zeitung in Berlin until it was banned , then in 1935 he was assistant to the German Book Association and from 1936 until it was banned in 1943 as an editor at the Frankfurter Zeitung . Later it became known that if the assassination attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944 was successful , Haerdter would become the editor-in-chief of the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, which was intended as the central organ of the planned Goerdeler government . In 1944 the Frankfurt apartment was bombed out and Haerdter was drafted into military service. In 1945 he became an American prisoner of war, from which he was soon released.

After the end of the war, Haerdter settled in Ludwigshafen on Lake Constance and, together with Benno Reifenberg , founded the magazine Die Gegenwart , which was in the tradition of the Frankfurter Zeitung and which he co-edited until 1958. From 1959 on he was editor-in-chief of the Stuttgarter Zeitung and, alongside Josef Eberle and Peter Härlin, was instrumental in the face and political line of the newspaper, but after factual and political differences with the publisher's management, his contract was not extended in 1965. From 1966 to 1972 Haerdter was editor of the Stuttgarter Nachrichten , for which he wrote leading articles and political commentaries. He also spoke radio commentary for the Hessischer Rundfunk and the Südwestrundfunk and wrote a column for the social democratic forward for many years .

He published his first volume of short stories as early as 1943. In the following years collections of Haerdter's essays and contemporary historical considerations as well as travel sketches appeared. In 1968 he received the renowned Theodor Wolff Prize . From 1970 he was a member of the German PEN center .

Awards and memberships


  • Economic spirit and politics. A historical-political study of the development and nature of the economization of politics in the age of modern capitalism. Dissertation Heidelberg. Frankfurt am Main 1936.
  • The shot on the lake. Narrative. Frankfurt 1943.
  • Lake Constance hike: 40 drawings. Drawings by Joachim Lutz . Text by Haerdter. Lindau 1949.
  • Spanish capriccio. Pictures of a trip. Munich 1957.
  • Signals and stations: 1945/1973. Bonn 1974.
  • Diary Europe. Places and times. Munich 1967. New edition under the title Schauplatz Europa. Revolving stage of history Munich 1981.


  • Manfred Bosch : Bohème on Lake Constance. Literary life at the lake from 1900 to 1959. Lengwil a. Bodensee 1997, p. 507.
  • Manfred Bosch: Robert Haerdter. In: Baden-Württemberg biography. Vol. 4. Ed. Fred Ludwig Sepaintner. Stuttgart 2007, p. 117 ff.
  • Martin Gregor-Dellin (ed.): PEN Federal Republic of Germany. Its members, its history, its tasks. Goldmann, Munich 1978, ISBN 3-442-03682-8 , p. 100 f.
  • J. Offenbach: On the death of Robert Haerdter. In: Stuttgarter Nachrichten of April 4, 1995.
  • Mark Siemons: Haerdter, Robert. In: Wilhelm Kühlmann (Ed.): Killy Literature Lexicon . Authors and works from the German-speaking cultural area. 2., completely revised Ed. De Gruyter, Berlin 2009, vol. 4, p. 280 f.
  • Haerdter, Robert in the Munzinger archive ( beginning of article freely available)
  • When the war was over. Literary and political journalism 1945–1950. An exhibition of the German Literature Archive in the Schiller National Museum Marbach a. N. Ed. By Bernhard Zeller Kösel, Munich 1973.

Web links

  • Robert Haerdter in the regional information system for Baden-Württemberg (LEO-BW)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Haerdter, Robert in the Munzinger archive ( beginning of article freely accessible)