Robert Jacob Fruin

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Robert Jacob Fruin

Robert Jacob Fruin also: Robert Jacobus Fruin (born November 14, 1823 in Rotterdam , † January 29, 1899 in Leiden ) was a Dutch historian.


Robert Jacob came from a Dutch family of pharmacists that originated in England. His father was the pharmacist Robert Fruin (born September 22, 1776 in Rotterdam; † January 23, 1845 ibid) and his mother Elisabeth Maria Perk (born January 26, 1794 in Rotterdam, † August 23, 1870 ibid). In his hometown he attended the Erasmusgymnasium from 1837 and began studying philosophical sciences at the University of Leiden in September 1842 . It was here that Willem Leonard Mahne (1772–1852), Petrus Hofman Peerlkamp , John Bake , Matthijs Siegenbeek , Johannes Matthias Schrant the Elder and Jacob Geel (1789–1862) became his formative teachers.

Above all, however, the Leiden museum director Conradus Leemans (1829–1883) was able to inspire him for historical studies. He initially specialized in Egyptology and received his doctorate in philosophy in 1847 with the thesis De Manethone Sebennyta librorumque ab eo scriptorum reliquiis . He then lived in Utrecht , where he continued to study the history of Greece and Rome with Cornelis Willem Opzoomer (1821-1892) and followed the recent history of his country. He attached particular importance to the events of 1848. In 1849 he became a history teacher at the municipal high school in Leiden and made a name for himself with numerous publications. In 1851 he became a member of the Society of Dutch Literature in Leiden.

After he had been promoted to prorector of the Leiden grammar school in 1859, he was accepted on May 4, 1859 as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences . On February 20, 1860, Fruin was appointed professor of patriotic history at the University of Leiden. He took on this task on June 1, 1860 with the inaugural speech De onpartijdigheid van den geschiedschrijver . As such, he also participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1877/78 . He put this task down with the speech Over de plaats, die de geschiedenis in den kring der wetenschappen . He retired on May 21, 1894, gave his farewell speech on June 1, and retired on September 18, 1894. Since 1868 he was a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .

He was one of the leading Dutch historians in the second half of the 19th century who tried to establish a demand for impartiality and source orientation. In his disposition and demeanor, however, he corresponded rather to the liberal political view of his time, in the sense of Johan Rudolf Thorbecke .

Works (selection)

Fruin has written over 150 large and small historical treatises.

  • Het antirevolutionaire state rain van mr. G. Groen van Prinsterer ontvouwd en beoordeeld. Amsterdam 1853
  • De antirevolutionaire van mr. Groen van Prinsterer tegen our state and our maatschappijm overwogen. Amsterdam 1854
  • De onpartijdigheid van den geschiedschrijver. Amsterdam 1860
  • Tien jaren uit den tachtigjarigen oorlog 1588-98. Amsterdam 1861; The Hague 1882; 1889; 1897; 1904
  • Repertory of negotiating en bijdrctgen concerning the divorce of the vaderland, in mengelwerke en tijdschriften tot op 1860 give away. Leiden, 1863
  • Politieke morality. Open letter to mr. G. Groen van Prinsterer. Leiden 1864
  • Naschschrift op den Open letter to Mr. G. Groen van Prinsterer. Leiden 1864
  • Answer op N °. VIn en N °. IX van de Vgende blaadjes aan de kiezers van Mr. G. Groen van Prinsterer. Leiden 1864
  • Register van Academische dissertatiën en oratiën concerning de geschiedenis des vaderlands. Aanhangsel op het Repertorium van verhandelingen en bijdragen bijeen brought en gerangschikt door de Commissie van geschied- en oudheidkunde van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde. Leiden 1866
  • Informaeie up the staet faeulteyt end occasionally van de steden end dorpen van Hollant end V rieslant om daernae te reguleren de nyeuwe sehiltaele gedaen in the jaere MDXIV. Leiden 1866
  • Supplement op het Repertorium der verhandelingen en hij dragen concerning the divorce of the vaderland, in mengelwerkell en tijdschriften tot op 1870 for free. Leiden 1872
  • Closest end information upt stuck van der reductie end reformatie van den Schiltaelen, voertijts taxeert end gestelt geweest over de landen van Hollant end Vrieslant. Leiden 1876
  • Zettingen en omslagen van 1496, 1515 en 1518. Bijvoegsel op de uitgaven der Informatie van 1514 en der Enqueste van 1494, vanwege de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde. Leiden 1877
  • Overblijfsels van heugchenis, the bisonderste voorvallen, in het leeven van den Beere COENRAET DROSTE, terwijl hij served heeft in Veld- en Zee-slaagen, Belegeringen en Ondernemingen. As also mede sijn verdere bejegeningen aan en in different vreemde Hoven en Landen. Leiden 1879, 2nd vol.
  • Tweede Supplement op het Repertorium der verhandelingen en bijdragen concerning the divorce of the vaderland, in mengel werken en tijdschriften tot op 1880 give away. Leiden 1884
  • The Tragedy of John van Olden Barnavelt. Herdrukt naar de uitgave vall AH Bullen met een illieiding van R. Fruin. The Hague 1884
  • Uittreksel uit FRANCISCI DUSSELDORPII Annales 1566-1616. The Hague 1893
  • Promises written. 1900–1905, 10 vols. (Complete edition of his works)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Fruin obituary at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (PDF file).