Rocco Lentini

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San Giovanni degli Eremiti , oil painting 1876

Rocco Lentini (born February 17, 1858 in Palermo , † November 20, 1943 in Venice ) was an Italian painter in Sicily .


Lentini was the son of the theater painter Giovanni Lentini the Elder (* 1830 in Trapani - 1890 in Palermo) and father of Giovanni Lentini the Younger.

Initially working as a stage painter, he received a grant from the city of Palermo in 1877, which enabled him to attend the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna . Just two years later he was represented with paintings at the Paris Salon in 1879. In 1879 he continued his training at the Promotrice delle belle arti in Turin .

From 1888 to 1924 he taught drawing at the Regio Educandato Maria Adelaide in Palermo, but was also able to take on numerous commissions. Lentini often worked with Enrico Cavallaro .

In addition to numerous exhibitions, he took part in the Biennale di Venezia in 1905 and 1922 . He published two textbooks: "Elementi di Ornato" (1892) and "Elementi di Paesaggio" and was involved in Ernesto Basile's 1911 catalog raisonné on the plasterer Giacomo Serpotta .

Works in Palermo (selection)

  • Stazione Centrale: decorative painting (1886)
  • Villa Malfitano Whitaker : fresco decorations (1886–1887),
  • Palazzo delle Aquile (1890-1891)
  • Teatro Politeama : wall paintings (1890–1891)
  • Biblioteca Francescana (Palermo): watercolors in the manuscript “Storia di Carnevale” (together with Enrico Cavallaro)
  • Galleria d 'arte moderna : wall paintings in two exhibition rooms in the Pompeian style (with Enrico Cavallaro and Giuseppe Enea )
  • Watercolors in the book La vita recitata (with Enrico Cavallaro) New edition in the Enzo Sellerio Editore. Palermo 1980


Web links

Commons : Rocco Lentini  - collection of images, videos and audio files