Roderick pack

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Roderick Packe (* 1961 in Market Harborough , Leicestershire , England ) is a British photographer .

life and work

Packe graduated from Brighton Polytechnic . From 1984 to 1986 he had his own studio in Amsterdam . Since 1999 he has been teaching at the Metropolitan University in Leeds and at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. He was a guest lecturer at the European Exchange Academy in Beelitz-Heilstätten . He lives and works in London .

His works are about photography itself and the philosophy of photography. In his series One , Packe photographed reflected, colorful daylight in different exposures , sometimes up to 15 layers and extremely long exposure times, in one picture. In his latest series, Roderick Packe mixes different techniques for the first time; he puts together travel brochures of dream travel destinations and photographs them in the evening with an exposure time of almost an hour. His works are represented in international public and private collections.

Exhibitions (selection)

Group exhibitions

  • Soundtracks, videos, performances. Montevideo, Amsterdam / Staalplaat , Amsterdam (1984–1986)
  • How Noisy Everything Grows. (Martin Boyce, Richard Caldicott and Simon Larbalestier, Thomas Gidley, Graham Gussin, Michael McDonough), Royal College of Art, London (1992)
  • A glass of water. ( Richard Caldicott , Karen Caldicott, Graham Durward, Joey Kotting, Patty Martori, Elizabeth Peyton , Georgio Saddotti, Elizabeth Wright), Chelsea Arts Center, New York (1996)
  • 100% photography. HackelBury Fine Art, London (2002)
  • Photo London. The Royal Academy, London (2004)

Solo exhibitions

  • The unknown masterpiece. Christchurch, Mansion, Ipswich (2002-2003)
  • Gallery f5.6, Munich (2004)
  • HackelBury Fine Art, London (2004)

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