Romuald Adamowitsch Muklewitsch

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Romuald Muklewicz

Romuald Adamovich Muklewitsch ( Russian Ромуальд Адамович Муклевич ; born November 25 . Jul / 7. December  1890 greg. In Supraśl , Grodno ; † 9. February 1938 in Kommunarka ) was a Soviet military and 1926-1931 Supreme Commander of the Soviet Seekriegsflotte .


Muklewitsch, son of a Polish textile worker, joined the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Russia (RSDLP (B)) in 1906 . From 1907 to 1909 he was secretary of the RSDLP (B) committee in Białystok and in 1911 in Łódź . In 1912 he was drafted into the Imperial Russian Navy and was a participant in the First World War . In the Navy he did active revolutionary work among the sailors. In 1915, after completing an apprenticeship as a machinist in Kronstadt , he was promoted to NCO. He took part in Petrograd in both the February Revolution and the assault on the Winter Palace during the October Revolution . From 1918 he served in the Red Army . During the Russian Civil War he worked in various posts, including border commissioner of the western border, chief of staff of the 16th Army and chief of staff of the western front. From April 1921 he became a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Western Front. From 1922 to 1925 he was Commissioner of the Military Academy of the Red Army and then until 1926 assistant to the Chief of the Air Force and Deputy Chairman of the Council for Civil Aviation. From August 1926 he led the Soviet naval fleet and became a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR . In this position he made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of the fleet. He ordered the issue of the first regulations of the Soviet Navy. From 1931 he worked as a naval inspector, from 1934 as head of the main administration of the shipbuilding industry and from the end of 1936 as deputy people's commissar for the defense industry. He was also a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee .

Arrest and death

Muklewitsch was a victim of the Great Purges . He was arrested on May 28, 1937. According to AN Tupolev , who was with him in a prison cell of the NKVD in 1937 , Muklewitsch incriminated himself and other innocent people as a result of physical abuse. On February 8, 1938 he was sentenced to death and left Muklewitsch the following day shoot .

On May 26, 1956, he was posthumously rehabilitated.



  • Советская военная энциклопедия в 8-ми томах . tape 5 .
  • Залесский К.А .: Империя Сталина. Биографический энциклопедический словарь . Moscow 2000.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia 1969–1978. Retrieved April 24, 2013 (Russian).