Rudolf Braunburg

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Rudolf Braunburg (born July 19, 1924 in Landsberg ad Warthe , † February 21, 1996 in Waldbröl ) was a German pilot and writer.


Braunburg spent his youth in the Netherlands. At the age of 16 he wrote his first novel, which, however, was destroyed in a bomb attack and therefore never published. He was a fighter pilot in World War II . After the war he studied pedagogy and philosophy . To finance his studies, he worked as a jazz saxophonist and ghostwriter .

After completing his studies, he worked for seven years as a teacher at a Rudolf Steiner School in Hamburg. In 1955 he went to Deutsche Lufthansa and was a flight captain until 1979.

After starting out as a navigator and copilot on the Lockheed Super Constellation and the Douglas DC-3 , Braunburg became a flight captain , first on the DC-3, then on the Convair CV-440 Metropolitan , later again on the Super Constellation and, after the start of the jet Era on the Boeing 727 , the Boeing 707 and finally on the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 .

During his active time as a flight captain, Braunburg was also chairman of the Cockpit Association , where he campaigned for the concerns of the cockpit crews in Germany and their working conditions.

In addition to his work as a teacher and pilot and afterwards Braunburg wrote over 70 novels and non-fiction and youth books. His best-known works include “Heaven betrayed”, “The shot” and “Behind Walls”. He also published numerous articles on environmental protection, jazz and aviation, the best-known German expert of which he was long considered.

Rudolf Braunburg last lived in Waldbröl . He had been married to his wife Annemarie, a former stewardess , since 1969 .


  • Closer to Heaven than Earth (1957)
  • Cranes at Kebnekaise (1959)
  • Don't Go to Dalaba (1961)
  • Buckle up, please (1961)
  • Shadow flight (1962)
  • Shanghai is way too far (1963)
  • Lighter Than Air (1963)
  • All my flights (1965)
  • The business and private aircraft (1965)
  • Atlantic flight (1966)
  • The eighth ocean (1967)
  • Rio in Installments (1968)
  • September flight (1968)
  • Mexican logbook; Lebanese logbook; Logbook New York (1968)
  • Gina and the Stratosphere (1968)
  • Dream Flight Over Africa (1969)
  • Dew over the desert. A Journey Through Israel (1969)
  • Profession: Stewardess (1969)
  • Maybe about Monschau (1970)
  • Elephants on Kilimanjaro (1970)
  • Stopover (1970)
  • Occupation: flight captain (1971)
  • A Heaven of Adventure (1971)
  • Pirate Course (1972)
  • Monsoon thunderstorm (1974)
  • Germany flight (1975)
  • Journey through Masuria (1975)
  • The Angel on the Cloud (1975)
  • Icarus Always Dies (1975)
  • Around the World in 30 Days (1975)
  • The Slayer (1976)
  • From DC 3 to DC 10. A pilot's life (1976)
  • Night Launch (1977)
  • Heaven Betrayed (1978)
  • Crane in the sun. The history of Lufthansa (1978)
  • No Landscape for People (1979)
  • Flying Pieces (1979)
  • Clouds are thoughts that are in the sky (1979)
  • Don't be afraid to fly (1979) 
  • No Spring for Flamingos (1980)
  • Password Königsberg (1980)
  • Man with Jumbo in a Thunderstorm (1980)
  • Down to Santiago (1980)
  • Sydney with champagne (1980)
  • Green Men on Radar (1981)
  • Above the Clouds (1981)
  • No Spring for Flamingos (1980)
  • Watermills in Germany (1981)
  • Masurian Gold (1981)
  • A Life on Wings (1981)
  • Don't Go To Dalaba (1981)
  • Zeppelin to, Zeppelin to (1982)
  • Hong Kong International (1982)
  • The last voyage of the "Hindenburg" (1982)
  • The Freedom of the Birds (Dream Flight Over Africa) (1983)
  • The Black Hunt (1983)
  • Taurus (1984)
  • Dragon Fall (1984)
  • Find me in the sky - unexpected meeting with Saint-Exupéry (1984)
  • In the orbit of the planet - A logbook (1984)
  • A dove falls from the sky (1984)
  • The Track of the Crane (1985)
  • Just Under Heaven (1985)
  • Man dies with the forests (1986)
  • Smoking Wells (1986)
  • The Shooting (1987)
  • His Greatest Flight (1987)
  • When Flying Was Still an Adventure (1988)
  • No Return to Manila (1988)
  • Inverted flight (1988)
  • Jungle Escape (1989)
  • Behind Walls (1989)
  • En Route - Autobiography of an Aviator (1990)
  • In the Shadow of the Wings (1990)
  • The Crane Sacrifice (1991)
  • The history of Lufthansa (1991)
  • Aviation and Aviation (1993)
  • Departure 9:30 a.m. (1994)
  • The Crowded Sky (1994)


Individual evidence

  1. In the television series No fear of flying ( Claus Spahn , WDR) Rudolf Braunburg worked as a flight captain.

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