Rudolf Haas (actor, 1849)

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Rudolf Haas (born July 8, 1849 in Ottenschlag , † May 9, 1927 in Leipzig ) was an Austro-German actor , operetta singer (baritone) and director .


Rudolf Haas was born in Ottenschlag in 1849 as the son of a doctor . In 1866 he took part in the campaign to Italy and then worked until 1872 as a tax officer in Schärding and as a customs officer in Passau . Then he began without any special training as an actor and singer with traveling troops . In 1885 he worked as an actor and director at the Deutsches Theater in Budapest , from 1888 to 1889 in Würzburg , then in Nuremberg , from 1890 to 1891 in Hanover , 1891 in Chemnitz , 1895 at the Wilhelmstheater in Magdeburg , 1899 at the Gärtnerplatz-Theater in Munich and 1901 at the city theater in Leipzig. In 1918 he retired and only worked as a guest or on the radio. Haas achieved his greatest success in comic roles.

Rudolf Haas died in Leipzig in 1927 at the age of 77.

Leading roles (selection)


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