Rudolf Klein-Diepold

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Rudolf Klein-Diepold , also Rudolf Klein (* 1871 in Cologne ; † 1925 ), was a German art historian , art writer and art critic .


Klein-Diepold was the son of the Düsseldorf painter Friedrich Emil Klein and his wife, the poet Friederika Wilhelmina Ada von Diepold, and brother of the painters Leo , Julian and Maximilian (Max) Klein von Diepold . He grew up in Düsseldorf from 1873 and studied art and literary history . In 1904 he married the painter Julie Wolfthorn . The couple lived in Berlin .

Before the First World War he wrote about Aubrey Beardsley , Arnold Böcklin , Fritz Boehle , Lovis Corinth , Ferdinand Hodler , Max Klinger , Max Liebermann , Adolph von Menzel , Adolf Oberländer , Félicien Rops and Moritz von Schwind . From 1904 and 1907 he was one of the authors of the magazines Die Kunst and Sozialistische Monatshefte , for which he reported, among other things, on the Berlin Secession . From 1900 he wrote for Die Rheinlande , 1919 for the magazines Nord und Süd and Die Literatur , 1920 for Die neue Rundschau , 1922 for the West German weekly magazine Der Hellweg and the magazine Deutsche Kunst und Decoration .

Fonts (selection)


  • Klein, Rudolf (Klein Diepold) . In: Kürschner's German Literature Calendar for 1917 . GJ Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung, Berlin and Leipzig 1917, p. 130.

Web links

Wikisource: Rudolf Klein  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Axel Feuss: The Theresienstadt convolute . Dölling and Galitz, Hamburg 2002, p. 114