Rudolf Marik

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Rudolf Marik (born December 7, 1900 in Prague , † December 5, 1976 in Vienna ) was a theater director, actor and chorister .


He appeared as a choir singer in 1918 and gained his first stage experience, then became a theater secretary and theater director (years traveling to Chemnitz , Dresden , Marienbad and Pilsen ). Returning to Vienna, he became vice director in 1943 and director of the "Neue Schauspielhaus" in 1945, and from 1947–1976 he headed the Raimundtheater , whose savior he was called, especially when in 1966/1967 this was the only operetta theater in Vienna threatened to close.

During his tenure, operettas with Johannes Heesters , Marika Rökk and Zarah Leander were performed. Many other well-known and famous actors began their careers here, such as Hansi Niese , Paula Wessely , Attila Hörbiger and Karl Skraup .

Rudolf Marik grave site

He found his final resting place in an honorary grave (40-48) in the Vienna Central Cemetery .


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