Rudolf von Maltzahn (politician, 1834)

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Rudolf Elias Felix Freiherr von Maltzahn , with the addition of the last estate name also Rudolf Elias Felix Freiherr von Maltzahn-Marxhagen (* July 15, 1834 in Sommersdorf ; † January 2, 1885 in Marxhagen ) was a German manor in Pomerania and Mecklenburg and a member of the Reichstag of the German Empire .


Rudolf von Maltzahn (no. 1061 of the gender census ) came from the so-called "Haus Sommersdorf" of his extensive family. He was born as the sixth child and youngest son of the Royal Prussian Oberlandstallmeister, landscape director and landowner Karl von Maltzahn (1797–1868; # 975) and his wife Caroline, née. von Bilfinger (1799–1855), born, attended the Vitzthumsche Gymnasium in Dresden and took part in the war against France in 1870/1871 as Rittmeister of the Prussian Army . As the successor to his father, he first became the owner of the Mecklenburg manor Vollrathsruhe with Kirchgrubenhagen and Hallalit, which he sold in 1876. From 1882 Maltzahn was the landowner on Marxhagen as well as a member of the board of the sugar factory and curator of the agricultural research station in Dahmen .

In the Reichstag election in 1884 , Rudolf von Maltzahn won the mandate in the constituency of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 4 ( Waren , Malchin ) as a candidate for the German Conservative Party and was a member of the Reichstag until his death in January 1885.

Maltzahn is considered to be the progenitor of the so-called "House Vollrathsruhe" of his family. Since 1860 he was married to Amalie (Ilma) Almasy von Zsadany and Török-Szent-Miklos (1842–1914), from whom he was divorced in 1874. The marriage produced three sons.



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ The family genealogy , Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der Freiherrlichen houses as well as all official announcements, however, list him as K. k. Rittmeister of the army ret
  2. ^ Fritz Specht, Paul Schwabe: The Reichstag elections from 1867 to 1903. Statistics of the Reichstag elections together with the programs of the parties and a list of the elected representatives. 2nd Edition. Carl Heymann Verlag, Berlin 1904, p. 270.
  3. Königlich Preußischer Staats-Anzeiger: 1865 , p. 889