Rugard Otto Gropp

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Rugard Otto Gropp , also Otto Wilhelm Gropp, (born March 22, 1907 in Magdeburg , † July 4, 1976 in East Berlin ) was a German, Marxist-Leninist philosopher .


From 1926 to 1929 Gropp studied history, philosophy, art history and newspaper studies in the university cities of Leipzig, Munich and Berlin.

As a member of the KPD Gropp was arrested in the Third Reich and u. a. held prisoner in Sachsenhausen concentration camp . After the Second World War in 1945 he continued his studies at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg ; In 1948 he received his doctorate at the social science faculty of the University of Leipzig on the subject of "On the bourgeois history and social problems: An investigation from the standpoint of historical materialism" and in the same year attended the party college "Karl Marx" in Kleinmachnow . He had been a member of the party since 1946, before that until the forced unification of the SPD and KPD in the KPD in Halle. Until 1950 he took on teaching positions at the University of Halle , then he moved to the University of Leipzig, where he qualified as a professor in 1953 with the thesis "Prerequisites and Structure of Historical Science: On the Critique of Historical Empiricism" and then professor for dialectical and historical materialism was appointed.

Gropp was a critic of Ernst Bloch and his work The Principle of Hope . At a philosophy conference in 1954, Gropp publicly criticized Bloch's work. A year later, however, he acted as the editor of the “Ernst Bloch 70th birthday publication”. Gropp was Bloch's colleague in the field of social science at the University of Leipzig. On December 19, 1956, a lengthy article by Gropp appeared in the SED central organ Neues Deutschland , in which he accused Bloch of idealism. According to Arno Münster , Gropp wrote the article on instructions from a higher authority and was intended to prepare an indictment against Bloch for revisionism . In 1957, RO Gropp made two further contributions against Bloch.

Gropp had already participated in a campaign against the Marxist professor Leo Kofler in Halle at the end of the 1940s and subjected him to severe criticism. The occasion was his book The Science of Society . As a result, Kofler finally went to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1950.

In 1957 he received the Patriotic Order of Merit in bronze, and on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the Karl Marx University in Leipzig, the Patriotic Order of Merit in silver.


  • Leo Kofler - an ideological pest . In: unity . 5th year Berlin 1950, May 1950. ISSN  0013-2659
  • (as ed.) Festschrift Ernst Bloch for his 70th birthday . German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1955.
  • Ernst Bloch's philosophy of hope - an anti-Marxian doctrine of world redemption . In: Heinz Johannes Horn (ed.): Ernst Bloch's revision of Marxism. Critical discussions of Marxist scholars with Bloch's philosophy . Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1957, pp. 9–49.
  • The mystical philosophy of hope is incompatible with Marxism . Young World Publishing House, Berlin 1957.
  • Dialectical materialism. Brief outline . Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1957. (= paperback 1)
  • On questions of the history of philosophy and dialectical materialism . German Science Publishers, Berlin 1958.
  • The basic question of philosophy. The origin and meaning of thought. Lecture given at the Marxist Colloquium of the SED party organization at Karl Marx University, specializing in dialectical and historical materialism on April 28, 1958. Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1958. (= Leipziger Universitätsreden . New episode 3)
  • About causality, necessity and randomness. Lecture given in the Marxist Colloquium of the SED party organization of the Karl Marx University, specializing in dialectical and historical materialism on October 20, 1958. Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1959.
  • The national philosophical heritage. About the progressive baseline in the history of German philosophy . German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1960.
  • What is Dialectical Materialism? Dobbeck, Munich 1960. (= Knowledge of the Present 4)
  • Rugard O. Gropp, Frank Fiedler (ed.): From Cusanus to Marx. German philosophers from 5 centuries . Bibliographical Institute, Leipzig 1965.
  • Basics of dialectical materialism . German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1970.
  • History and philosophy. Contributions to the methodology of history, the history of philosophy and dialectical materialism . Edited by Wolfgang Förster. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1977 (= writings on philosophy and its history 8)


  • Gropp, Rugard-Otto. In: Federal Ministry for All German Issues (ed.): SBZ biography. A biographical reference book on the Soviet occupation zone , compiled by the investigative committee of freedom lawyers . Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, Bonn 1964, p. 118.
  • Rugard Gropp on his 65th birthday . In: German magazine for philosophy. 20th year, 1972. Issue 2, p. 354.
  • Rugard O. Gropp † . In: German magazine for philosophy. 24th year, 1976. Issue 8, p. 1023. Digitized
  • Wolfgang Förster: Gropp, Rugard Otto . In: Erhard Lange, Dietrich Alexander (Hrsg.): Philosophenlexikon. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1982, pp. 325–326.
  • Martina Thom: Rugard Otto Gropp (1907-1976) . In: Well-known professors at Karl Marx University . Volume 3, Leipzig 1983, pp. 27-35.
  • Short biography for:  Gropp, Rugard Otto . In: Who was who in the GDR? 5th edition. Volume 1. Ch. Links, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86153-561-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rugard Otto Gropp: On the bourgeois historical and social problems: An investigation from the standpoint of historical materialism . 1948, DNB  481732748 .
  2. ^ Rugard Otto Gropp: Requirements and structure of the historical science: To the critique of historical empiricism . 1953, DNB  480415986 .
  3. Ernst Bloch: Excommunized. In: Der Spiegel 34/1960. August 17, 1960, pp. 54–57 , accessed October 23, 2018 .
  4. ^ Arno Münster: Ernst Bloch. A political biography. Hamburg 2012, p. 280.
  5. ^ Arno Münster: Ernst Bloch. A political biography. P. 281.
  6. Christoph Jünke : Socialist Strandgut. Leo Kofler, Life and Work (1907–1995). Hamburg 2007, p. 230.
  7. SBZ biography.
  8. ^ New Germany , October 13, 1959, p. 4