Ruth Seydewitz

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Ruth Seydewitz in conversation with a quarry worker

Ruth Seydewitz (née Lewy ; born June 26, 1905 in Opole ; † March 28, 1989 in Dresden ) was a German journalist and writer .


Ruth Seydewitz attended business school and trained as a tailor. She was a guest student at the University of Wroclaw in the subjects of art history and philosophy . She also attended the Vienna School of Applied Arts . Later she worked as a house tailor.

In 1929 she married Max Seydewitz and worked for her husband at the Saxon Volksblatt in Zwickau . In 1933 she fled via Dresden to Teplitz and Prague . Then she took up a job as a seamstress. After the occupation, Ruth Seydewitz fled to Rotterdam and Oslo in 1938 . In 1940 she was interned in Stockholm and then exiled to Lund .

In December 1945 she returned to Berlin and worked as an editor at Dietz Verlag . She headed the public education office in Teltow and founded the publishing house Neues Leben .

Ruth Seydewitz moved to Dresden in 1947 when Max Seydewitz became Prime Minister of Saxony. Then she headed the press office of the state government. In 1962 she was awarded the Martin Andersen Nexö Art Prize of the City of Dresden .

Her grave is on the Heidefriedhof in Dresden.

Political activity

Ruth Seydewitz was a member of the Zionist youth association Blau-Weiß and the Wandervogel movement. She belonged to the Young Socialists and the SPD . In 1927 she went to the Dresden Conference as a delegate of the Upper Silesian Young Socialists.

In 1931 she joined the SAPD and in 1942 the KPD . From 1946 she was a member of the SED . Ruth Seydewitz participated in the establishment of the DFD and worked on its state board. She was involved in setting up so-called youth work centers. In 1951 she was state chairwoman of the GDR cultural association .

Selection of works

  • Where is life (book on women's biographies, 1954)
  • Dresden gallery book
  • If the Madonna could talk
  • Hercules given away (1969)
  • The girl with the pearl. Stories about pictures . Buchverlag Der Morgen. Berlin. 1st edition 1972 (together with Max Seydewitz)
  • The new Dresden
  • Dresden, beloved city
  • All people have dreams. My time - my life. Buchverlag Der Morgen. Berlin. 3rd expanded edition 1980

Web links

Commons : Ruth Seydewitz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files