S / 2016 (107) 1

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(107) Camilla II (S / 2016 (107) 1)
Provisional or systematic name S / 2016 (107) 1
Central body (107) Camilla
Properties of the orbit
Major semi-axis 340 km
Periapsis unknown
Apoapsis unknown
Orbital time (0.5) d
Physical Properties
Albedo ≈ 0.054 ± 0.011
Medium diameter 3.5 ± 0.5 km
Medium density ≈ 1.4 ± 0.3 g / cm 3
Surface temperature 151 K
  • M. Marsset
  • Benoit Carry
  • Am yang
  • Franck Marchis
  • P. Vernazza
  • Christophe Dumas
  • Jérôme Berthier
  • Frédéric Vachier
Date of discovery May 29, 2015
Remarks Smaller moon of the Camilla system

S / 2016 (107) 1 is the inner and smaller of the two moons of the main belt asteroid (107) Camilla ( Cybele group ). Its mean diameter is around 3.5 kilometers.

Discovery and naming

S / 2016 (107) 1 was won on May 29, 2015 by M. Marsset, Benoit Carry, Bin Yang, Franck Marchis, P. Vernazza, Christophe Dumas, Jérôme Berthier and Frédéric Vachier with the 8.2 m "Melipal" - VLT telescope discovered on Cerro Paranal in Chile . The observations took place between May 29, 2015 and July 30, 2016; S / 2016 (107) 1 could be identified on three of five images. The discovery was announced on August 7, 2016; the moon was given the provisional designation S / 2016 (107) 1 .

As early as 2001 it was discovered on images of the Hubble Space Telescope one other companion Camilla, making the system known for the seventh asteroid multiple system in the main belt and became the eleventh overall.

Track properties

S / 2016 (107) 1 orbits Camilla on an almost perfect circular path at an average distance of 340 kilometers from its center (about 3 Camilla radii). The orbital eccentricity and inclination are not yet determined. The orbit of the outer moon S / 2001 (107) 1 is on average about 910 km from the orbit of S / 2016 (107) 1.

S / 2016 (107) 1 orbits Camilla in an estimated 12 hours, which corresponds to about 4764 orbits in a Camilla year (around 6.5 earth years). The orbit of S / 2016 (107) 1 is assumed to be stable because it is well within Camilla's Hill radius of 60,000 km, but also well outside of the synchronous orbit.

Physical Properties

S / 2016 (107) 1 has a diameter of 3.5 km (about 1/60 of the central body), based on the assumed equal reflectivity of 5% corresponding to the Camilla . The surface is therefore extremely dark.

Assuming a mean diameter of 3.5 km, the surface area is around 38 km 2 , which roughly corresponds to the area of ​​the Swiss canton of Basel-Stadt .

The mean surface temperature is around 151  K (−122 ° C) and can rise to a maximum of 223 K (−50 ° C) at noon.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Daniel WE Green: IAUC No. 9282: S / 2016 (107) 1 discovery publication. Retrieved September 9, 2017 .